
Please allow me to introduce myself

So, it's been a while then, eh? A perusal on the right hand side of the blog will show you that I've been doing this blog for a loooooong time. More off than on, sadly.  Of course, I was doing the podcast for a while, and had some awesome people on, and great chats. However: A) I found out I found myself far funnier and interesting than my guests or non-existent audience did B) Once I started working, I found I did not have time to seek out guests, prepare for a show, and be "on". It's hard to be "on" when you're me on a regular day, ya know? :)

So if you want to seek the podcast out, please do so, I'm proud of it. However, note it is not safe for work and I sometimes discuss highly inappropriate material...and I curse like a sailor, so please, be ok to handle the F Bomb and perhaps even the MF bomb a few thousand times.

So  I've decided that I'm gonna be a BIT less sharing than I have in previous versions.  However, I think I need to introduce myself:

I'm Ethan. I'm 48. I have a great wife named Vicki and a great son named Tobin who is 10. They are awesome and deserve medals for putting up with me as I can often be a dick, and a pain as I struggle to navigate the whole adult, what do I want thing. It's funny how sometimes no matter how old you get, you still feel like the little kid who is looking for the adultset to stop the bullies at the playground.

I went back to school and got a degree in something and I now work where I talk to alot of people about lot's of things.  I'm never gonna put anything directly from work on here, at all; info will be altered so art is not imitating life  so much, or whatever. I've been burned before by someone finding out something about a blog post....so ....

I talk to people, and they talk to me, and I don't work in sales and marketing. So that's all the detail you're going to get directly from me. I may say "a person said something interesting to me" etc. However, no one I encounter on a daily basis talking and connecting with is referenced here. So,, there.... sometimes I even talk to a couple of people at once (big sales seminars).

So, that's about it for right now. I think I've discovered less is more when it comes to blogging. I mean do you really want me to write pages and pages? I can, but I shall resist. What am  I gonna write about? Life, nothing about work, laughing, struggling, whatevering...... So come on take a look why don't you? I'm gonna try and update this regularly. I am not good at the artistic side of things so the blog may look a little lame, but there you go. Ok. More later!

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