
Are You There Blog? It's Me, Ethan

So, May 1st, huh? is that "May Day"? I never knew, exactly.  You would think a Red Diaper Baby Radical like myself would actually know when the symbolic day of the worker actually is....  However, I'm puckishly ironic in these contemporary times; what can I tell ya?  I know I am letting everyone down.

So, this Mueller Report about Trump deal. Does it clear the President and his Administration, or not? I don't get it. Y'know, obviously, the guy is the hugest scumbag; anyone who grew up in the NYC/Philly area in the 1980's can attest to what farce and carnival broker this schmuck is. However, was there collusion or not with The Russians with the election? Isn't it a "yes" or "no" answer in the report?

Is it a vague gray area? How can The Special Council (Not The Specials, mind you) spend 2 years investigating, and then the report comes out and the reaction is "eh, who knows" My interpretation is that some screwed up stuff happened but they could not find anything concrete to pin on Drumpf. However my opinion and .50 will buy you a cuppa coffee.

I still remember this song from back in 1970/1980ish time period. It was Thatcher and her Conservatives, destroying the Labour Party and Privatizing just about anything she could get her hands on.  The US is kinda like a Ghost Town now, no? Fast food culture, devoid of hope; endless coffee cups, etc. Maybe not.

In some other news, I'm making some changes in the places where I ask lot's of questions. Some well wishes towards my future endeavors were handed my way, somewhat unexpectedly.  You live, and you learn.

I'm asking questions and listening to kids at this after school place. Anger issues, won't listen, etc. First time small world incident where a kiddo who I was joking with was the BROTHER of a kid I used to ask questions to at my Internship 3 years ago. Funny ol' world, innit?

Still asking questions at night at the drug/drink place. Just "on call" as needed. They have good snacks there. New kind of Sprite in the soda machine is great.

What about you? Did you find parking? Did you get the good bread from the Italian Bakery on the drive home?  How are you? Hope you're rockin'. 

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