
What the Fo'

So here it is, over a month plus since I've last posted. I bet you think I'd forgotten about you guys. Well, even though I have a horrible cold this weekend, I have forced myself up off the couch to update you on my life and existence in general.

I must cut right to the chase and say that the big news for Vick and I is that we are expecting! That's right, last Wednesday, I was awoken by Vicki holding a positive test going "look at this good news"!! We had our first OB visit the other day as well. All indicators point to this being totally healthy pregnancy, thank god for that .. :) it totally puts a smile on my face. We're both over joyed at the prospect of being parents!

We were also up in Toronto a few weeks ago for Adam Cohen's wedding. It was nice.. Not as nice as finding out you are gonna be a father, but nice nonetheless!

Now, if I could only post more often...

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