
Monday Blahs

Well, at least another Monday is in the history books again. It's not that when Monday comes around, I get particularly more depressed than I do any other day of the week. However, I gotta say, there is a certain routine ness, a certain grim return to the norm after a weekend respite that makes it a bit of a bummer.

Factor that in w/ a work place scene that is a work place scene, and you have an equation for being somewhat bummed about Mondays. I'm not talking about being bummed like that girl in San Diego who shot up that school, and was immortalized in "I don't like Monday's" by the cBoomtown Rats. THAT'S a bit extreme!! I do wonder if she realized how famous she was gonna be when she uttered that line!?

Had a groovy weekend w/ the Newcomers and Vicki in Pennsyltucky. My Dad actually reprimanded me for calling the Newcomers "The Newcomers" in that he thought I was characterizing their friendship, and not just referencing their last name!! that's funny! Good one, there Dad!!

Had an "eh" da y at work, and now it's back into the bosom of the old family !! I gotta give a big shout out to the kids at Kashi Foods in that they make a great product! I had one of their frozen lunches today that was amazing, AND we had a pizza that they make for dinner that was awesome as well!! Good stuff!!! Sometimes life has some amazing moments, and you don't even expect it!!!

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