
Shout out to Kayly!!

Kayly S. Newcomer is such a groovy chick (How groovy is she, you ask?)! She has hipped The Sincoff's to the great BBC America show Law & Order/ UK. Vicki and I watched one episode, and we've immediately become hooked!! What a testament to a great formula that the original "Law & Order" was!!! You have tireless detectives trying to clear cases, and then you have the prosecutor's working on putting the bad guys away for good!! How can you go wrong w/ that?

Factor that in with the fact that w/ "L&O-UK", you are watching a foreign judicial system at work, and it makes it even more fascinating. I mean,, I was sitting there watching the episode going " that powdered wig is like, totally going to fall off any moment"!! Nonetheless, I love watching crime shows, when they are done well. We've totally set a series recording for "Law & Order-UK". Thanks Kayly!!! I (almost) can't wait for the first blizzard of the season so we can have a marathon of this show!!

While I'm talking about TV shows, I gotta give a nod to another show that looks great on BBC America. "Luther" , which about a detective (played by Idris Elba) who may or may not break the law to get his cases solved . It apparently shows a "dark side of humanity". Which for me, may spelled "Homicide: Life on the Street" in the past!! It looks irresistible! So, I can't wait to catch it!!

Work is going ok, can't really complain. I'm slooowly getting settled into my new home here in Rockaway. I really liked Madison in that it had a downtown, and you could walk to it. Unfortunately, it's a little different out here in the farther reaches of Morris County. It's taking some getting used to. However, that's just what I'm a gonna do!! I must say that I am looking forward to a boss free few days of work as my boss is going on vacation as of tomorrow!! WOO HOOOO!!! When Momma Cat is away, her kittens can play!! LOLOLOLOL

1 comment:

kaylynuke said...

Aw, shucks, my own post.