
Obligatory End of the year blog posting

So, it looks like 2014 is about to be completed, huh?  Just a short note here to say "hey thanks for checking the blog out from time to time". I know I have not updated as much as I should have, however it is something I endeavor to do more and more of in 2015. I really think it is a good companion piece to The One Guy Talking Podcast.  After all, this blog was the inspiration for the podcast. The podcast has been going strong for 2+years. I'm starting to really hit my stride.

Dare I say, I have had some very creative shows (and some less than creative ones). I've made some good Facebook Friends in some people that have come on the show, and really opened up and talked about their craft/sport/art, but  also shown the kind of person they are as well. So many thanks to Rosi Sexton , Jens Pulver , Nate Quarry , Karen from WORM, and Virginia Jones.  Whether they were fighters, comics or musicians.. they opened up, and managed to goof around and show a different side of themselves.

I always strive to at least have an interesting conversation, one that I would have w/ a friend or even a stranger sitting next to me on a train.  It was cool to hear  Jens talk about his anxiety disorder that he battles, Rosi talk about how difficult it is to retire from the fight game, Karen talk about juggling HR and music, and Virginia talking about comedy and making out to Radiohead's "OK Computer" as a kid.

Thanks Guys! I'm very excited to do the show going forward. I just did an hour and 15 minutes solo, 2 nights ago. No guests! Very proud. Hope it was interesting. I dug it. Bodes well for the future.

Right now, Vicki and Tobin are up in Pennsylvania doing the visit grandma thing. I've been solo hanging w/ the dogs and cats! It's surreal and kinda lame. This whole being alone bit. It's too quiet. Don't dig it. I miss the chaos of a certain six year old dropping the F bomb and making Roussimar Palhares jokes! :) I miss my gorgeous wife keeping me in line, or frustrating me, ... often at the same time! lol

Seriously Vicki is amazing... very supportive, and I'm truly a lucky guy to be married to someone so great. I feel that we have produced a very sweet, very intelligent boy. Tobin challenges, and pushes boundaries. While those are qualities that somewhat exasperating to see in your child, I feel that it does society good in the end to push the envelope a bit.

So yeah, looks like life is heading along ok. Family is awesome and healthy. New Job is going okish (performing fine..etc etc), school is going great (rocking the 4.0!) and hey, I'm kind of happy, and smiling... :)

What about you?

Speak soon!



One Guy Talking Podcast - Live & Recorded Episodes:

Thursday Night 8PM EST! Karen from Worm and Now I'm Nothing will join from Chi Town to talk industrial music, geek stuff, and whatever else we can get up to!!

One Guy Talking Podcast - Live & Recorded Episodes:


Little Post Birthday Blog Post (and a couple of good podcast guests!)

Hey Kiddos

It's a 44 year old Ethan Sincoff blogging to you today. That's right, Mr. Podcaster/Blogger/Husband and Dad par Excellence has reached turned another page of the calendar!  The # has hit me pretty hard,.. but it is sort of one of those "what are you gonna do" type things.... It certainly beats the alternative of  pushing up daisies... but to think I used to run around the East Village at 3am... and that Kirk Miller probably STILL runs around the East Village at all hours... makes ya feel old! I need a nap right now, actually.

So birthday was great..v. mellow and understated. Vicki and Tobin took me out to a great dinner at Orsay in Jacksonville. W/O doubt my favorite favorite FAVORITEST restaurant here... I had duck.. and it was yummy.... Vicki looked gorgeous.. Tobin rocked and behaved.. much red wine was imbibed. What's that deserty thingy w/ the crispy sugary top?? It was yummy, we had that.... Crème Brule I think that's it... it was yums.

Vicki also got  me a great, and I mean great set of headphones so I could podcast and sound good. I'm finally waking up to the fact I should do a little, and I mean a little bit of prep work so the show can sound better. It's hard to believe I've been doing the show for over 2 years... I'm just finally starting to "network" a bit in the podcaster FB community pages... a lot of the podcasters are business type success type podcasts... I'm like "um, I talk about mma, and jokes, and being jewish and stuff".... lol fits right in.

I would be remiss if I did not reference two great podcast guests I have had on recently.
Virginia Jones is this lovely gal shown below. She is a comic, based in Los Angeles.. and she's really hip.. and I've bet she has seen The Cure in concert... and does sort of Gothic karaoke as well... she used to live in Portland.. and she was on "Portlandia"... you should check out her website and follow her on Twitter. She is awesome, and not really "comedienne like" in the sense that a lot of the comics (aside from Kass Smiley) that I've had on... don't like to "share" the show.. but Virginia was awesome.. and was able to riff.. and laugh.. and I can't say enough groovy things about her.

Please Follow Virginia on Twitter, and Facebook, check out her YouTube Page. Go see her comedy gigs. She's very funny, and I feel will be very big one day!

That was a Thursday, on Friday morning, I had a special recording of a show w/ one of my favorite MMA peeps in the world, Rosi Sexton.  What a great person to talk to! She was warm, and funny.. and really "got the show" in the sense I told her "hey I'm a goofy guy who talks about random stuff, but loves MMA, and we will get to MMA,... but there may be time where I'm going to tell you an anecdote, or say something silly"... She totally rolled with it.

I dig Rosi because she is sort of an "old school" fighter.... Really seems to love the sport for the sports sake. She's kicked butt, and fought all over the world for a bunch of different organizatons.. not to mention she is interesting to talk to about non MMA stuff as she has a really interesting background (interests/education/being a parent etc.)

Please keep an eye on Rosi's website. I'm sure that as she transitions to new MMA venture type stuff, she will update us all. Support her, and all of her sponsors! She's Britain's Sweetheart!!!

I think I timed the interview perfectly in that I didn't piss her off, and I didn't say anything stupid!! lol again, in the case of both Virginia, and Rosi, it pays to do some homework before podcasting!!

BTW: As far as "new school" type fighters; I don't have a problem with "The Ultimate Fighter" or fighters/performers that have a larger than life persona.. I just have a hard time reconciling it w/ who the real person is... vs. who the performer is... "how does the hype machine get started?" "who tells the person to tweet constantly?" "How do they make sure to snarl and show their tattoos?" ... because they do snarl, and they do show tattoos!


The Funny Thing About Clarity (Or The Jennifer's Story)....

So yeah, I went to school w/ A-LOT of Jennifer's.  However, this story is going to be about a specific # of Jennifer's.... more on them later.  Trust me, you're gonna dig it.... Or you'll think I'm vain, and a narcissist, and someone who clings to the past....or whatever.ANYWAY I digress... some preface for the story:

  • This is my version of my high school years.
  • My desire to be an iconoclastic "Alterna-punkish" kid might have made me a sort of lone wolf
  • I never did play the game
  • Those in the story may very well have their own memory of events (they may have no memory of that time at all as well).
  • If those that contributed to some of the negative descriptions here vehemently disagree, then they have to write their own blog post. This is my .05, and I'm riding this proverbial streetcar to Coney Island.
Let me tell you about these Jennifer's (and again, let me stress, this is just me, your humble narrator talking).  If  you have seen "Mean Girls" or, of course (for my generation), "Heathers", than you have a good idea of what some of these gals were like. They were always "The Jen's", or "The Jennifer's".  For some reason I can't place when they all met up, In my mind, they were always one unit, walking, socializing, and ruling NPHS together. Before I proceed, I gotta break down The Jennifer's, so you know the personalities. There were:
  1. Evil Psychopath Jen w/No Feelings or Emotions (the leader. She directed things..)
  2. Blank Moon Faced Evil Jen (Evil, Evil, very full of herself.. but easily manipulated by EPJ)
  3. Dopey Mean Jen (She wasn't evil... she was....dopey... but dopey and mean....where as the first 2 had a real evil undertone to the havoc they raised. DMJ was mean.... but you got the sense that she was a mean girl, who giggled a lot)
  4. Nice Normal, Cool Jen (NNCJ plays a big role in this story, and we are gonna get back to her in a bit. Suffice to say for now, is that while she ran w/ this crew... I always got the sense that out of the corner of my eye (I'm talking in an allegorical way) I could see her shaking her head, and laughing at the others as if to say "I can't believe these people are doing this.. this is such a joke")
  5. Sheryl Who Became A Jen (SWBAJ plays no role in this story. I have no idea what happened to her. I merely remember her as walking around w/a hyoooooge sour puss on her face as if she smelled something really badly.)
Anyway, so yeah, these girls ran the school. If the Jen's did not come to your social event, it was not an event. They were only seen together...sort of like ZZ Top.  North Plainfield, NJ wasn't a huge place.  It was very provincial. This was pre internet, pre grunge, pre LaloPalooza... so listening to alternative music...just wasn't popular. I listened to that stuff... there was a lot of shit that went on: Notes in classes, finger pointing, laughing etc.  I just remember that time as "let's give EPJ, DMJ and BMFEJ all the good classes, all the good parts in plays, everything top of the line, and let see them walk majestically around, and see if they would acknowledge you"

Of course, if you caught them w/o each other it was a different scene. EPJ wouldn't talk, she'd just stare (she needed minions to manipulate for evil), BMFEJ would not stare at you, and be nervous and twirl her hair (as if counting down the minutes to get back to EPJ) DMJ would just giggle and stare mutely (again, waiting to get back so The Brood could be reunite)
NNCJ Was Awesome, though... and before you read more and then go "Ethan Sincoff, you're such a suck ass, of course you're gonna write that NNCJ was awesome after the role the plays at the end of the clarity deal"....
She truly was.  She was the only one out of that schmucky group who would sit down and say "hey Ethan, how are you?" Make eye contact w/you.... and seem sincere.   Again the others would not even look at you.  We had a few classes together... social science and I believe a study hall.. I remember sitting in the back of the room w/ NNCJ and laughing my ass off, as we goofed around (I think there was a convo about Postmen, and seatbelts.. and her Uncle was a Postman in Dunellen....)

  • And like I said, she plays a big role later in the story. But she WAS awesome...and a delight to spend time w/.... and like I said, always looked like she couldn't believe what these other chicks were up to.
So, even though my high school years were miserable, and a large part of it was due to the finger pointing, laughs, phone calls ("Ethan, I'm Jennifer Jones, from Watchung Hills") of this group.. time goes by. You graduate, you go to college. You graduate from there... even go to graduate school (as u know I like to be so overeducated, I'm going back for round 2 of grad school)... you  proceed w/ the future, you get a career, you fall in love, have a kid... yet you are still always somewhat connected to the past
Why was the group so mean? Why was there an undercurrent of evil w/ the main members?

So yeah, you grow up, you move on, you age.. but to be comfortable in your present.. you got to be comfortable w/ your past... and comfort w/ my time in high school was NOT something I had.  anyone who knows me, or has heard the podcast, or read this blog knows I'm not stranger to therapy...I've been there, in fact I was I had done therapy back then..maybe I wouldn't be typing this right now.

My therapist and I were talking about the future, and my concerns on my positives as a Husband, Dad, Friend, Human Being, Adult. Paul said "hey, Ethan, look; you're a wonderful guy. You know you're a good Husband/Dad, etc.  The great thing is you are working on you. You are a work in progress but you are great.  I said yeah but I haven't figured out the past yet... Paul said "well we have talked about your relationship with your Mom and Dad"

I said "Oh, Paul: This ain't about my Mom and Dad,  this is about The Jennifer's"
So I told him.... the prank calls, the jokes.. the scowls all of it.. how they ruled the social circle... and w/ a look or a nod, could control how you were perceived, accepted, etc... I tell him about EPJ, et. al.

Paul thought for a moment, leaned back in his comfy chair and said:  "Have you asked them why they were this way?" 
"Oh, Nooooooooo". I said."I felt too scared and alone then... so so small. I was afraid to ask and put myself out there".
Paul then said: "Well Ethan, I think it's time you did. You are ready for this challenge"
As a true 21st Century Boy, I immediately went on the Social Networks, and I was involved in a post w/ other people who had been bullied by others and The Jen's as well. I sucked it up,, and I tagged EPJ and BMFEJ and said "Hey I'd like some clarity on those years, can you share your memories, and why were you so mean?".... I got no response

Crickets, chirped....

So, I then smacked my head, and said "DUH! NNCJ!" I sent an email to NNCJ asking "why" (much like this blog post, it was a lot longer than that.. but you know us Jews and words!) and within 5 minutes I got an email in response w/ her number and her saying she remembered me fondly, and she wanted to discuss this as well.

So, I called her....
And we talked.... and we talked.. and had a great conversation... laughed....I cried a little (I'm a wuss)... and caught up  and talked about our lives and where we were at.  In the end... the "why" question did get answered....It's never as monumental or euphoric when you find it out in real life... trumpets don't go off, or bells ring... there's no confetti that comes down from the ceiling.. no Monty Hall "let's make a deal" type celebration

But there WAS sense of peace, of accomplishing something, and figuring out something about the past... we said we'd keep in touch (and I hope that we will, and not in a air kiss/sweetie fabulous mwah mwah kinda way).. we'll see. I'm a real pain in the fucking ass to keep in touch with.

In Fact, to be honest (and I will be general w/ this, as some of this stuff is NNCJ's private stuff and I will not divulge)... I THINK.. I think the why is that... well I think it was that it was:
  1. There was A-LOT of fucked up stuff going on in people's lives
  2. EPJ And BMFEJ were Evil
  3. DMJ was Dumb and Mean
  4. 1980's Suburban NJ was not a good place to stand up, and say "ohmigosh,  perhaps these kids are being persecuted, and one day this chunky, glasses wearing kid named Ethan is gonna Facebook blizzard the 2 crazy mean empty ones because he still remembers the pain they caused him 25 years ago"
So in the end, I got no response from the 2 evil leaders (as I said SWBAJ was MIA and I didn't really consider DMJ to be on my radar... She was Dumb. She was Mean. Period.. No mystery)

And I did not conduct myself as a gentleman, I kinda flipped when I got no response:
  1. I indeed called EPJ a "psychopath w/ no feelings" (well it is true, but still to write it on FB)
  2. I called BMFEJ "aging".. and that "she lives "alone, w/a  cat... and hopefully someone is checking in on her and has a set of her keys because she could be in trouble" (I wont quote the part about people better check because she could be decomposing down thru the floorboards to the apartment below)
  3. I asked BMFEJ if The Aurora Dinner Theatre had a workshop version of "Stephen Sondheim's Vanities" going on that night.
Had I stopped w/ reconnecting with NNCJ, this would be a great 100 positive story, but.... no. :)So yeah, I was a prick in the end... but the 2 leaders.. I didn't get anything... no response... the pack mentality was one thing.. when they were addressed individually... they were quiet... that doesn't excuse my lack of taste (albeit, perhaps stating the truth)... but I'm merely providing a context for that lack of taste...why it happened.

However, in the end I did get a FB message from  DMJ, which basically said the following:
  • The Jen's were great friends. They cared a lot for each other.
  • Most people never took the time to understand them
  • How could I (meaning how could Ethan) remember something that happened 25 years ago
  • And closed by saying "Ethan if you feel you need closure, than here it is: I am sorry you feel that you were wronged all those years ago. We were kids"
And you know, I shoulda stopped at that.. I should have said oh well somethings cant be totally figured out (why do good people die, Why did The Holocaust happen, Why does everyone hate Israel, etc. etc.).. I shoulda said "well those girls, esp BMFJ and EPJ... they just don't have "IT" (humanity? A sense of introspection? Humility? I dunno...) to process this....and I found DMJ's response to be insulting and dismissive... so of course I could Not let it lie,so I said:
  • I reject your apology DMJ because it is insincere, and I didn't ask for one, I wanted clarity
  • As far as getting to know the main manipulators in the group, you never let anyone in.. you never shared, you only talked to the people in your status.
  • They were blank, mean and evil (again, I am referring to the main  players here. NNCJ was nice enough to reconnect, and talk to me about this. While I'm not gonna share the heart of our conversation, suffice to say I have a much better understanding of what was going on w/ her. I'm very appreciative of the role she played her, and her friendship) 
  • I said I think that maybe you guys haven't grown up THAT much because out of all the nursing schools in America, BMFEJ chose to go to school 15 minutes away from EPJ
  • She also said "who's the bully now?" To which I said "you are absolutely right, this is not my greatest moment, but oh well, I'll sleep a good sleep tonight."
  • I closed by again referencing the Denver Police wellness check on BMFEJ
And then she said "I'm done" 
and  then I got a message from Bland, Blond, Musical Theatre Guy from North Plainfield saying "What the hell are you doing, Ethan, You're making a bloody fool of yourself. I thought you were above this"... then I said "I'm trying to find clarity, trying to figure some stuff out about the past"
Steve W. says (something I hear a lot, and I don't understand: "It is what it is" and "Ethan I hope you don't do anything stupid (fly to Denver? Kill myself?  Buy a racehorse?) but this is where you and I part (unfriend). Those are my friends you are talking about"

There is another friend who needs no initials, who was monitoring this whole thing but knows all the players, when I told her Steve's words from above, she messaged back only one word:


So, in the end, was the experience a perfect one? No. Did I find out some stuff, absolutely. I found out that NNCJ is  a great woman, w/ some insight and kindness regarding the past. She explained to me in depth her view of what happened... While I am not certain I totally understand.... I do understand somewhat. I'm so glad for the opportunity to speak to her. And for the class she showed. She's overcome a lot, and needs to be saluted. And I promise to not keep in touch so much I drive her crazy... :)

Finally, I learned that you really "can't go home again"... some things just,.... ARE.. there are no grand answers.... gongs don't go off.... Pete Townshend doesn't scream "I want my MTV" etc..   Sometimes people are just assholes.. people are fucked up because they come from fucked up places... unfortunately that fucked up-ness is toxic.

I feel like I learned some stuff thru this experience. I am not scared anymore. I'm proud of the Man (Dad/Husband) that I've become. I look back w/ fondness at the teenager I was. I feel like I was knocked down, but I got up. I faced those demons...and I came out of it ok

...and I returned their baggage to them, the rightful owners.


UFC 174 was pretty awful

I'm not saying that I'm not an MMA fan, as I am a hyoooge one.  However, I have to call out The UFC as they have far too much product out there.  I mean last night's card could have easily been shown for Free on FX1 or something. I'm kind of a "smart" fan in that I don't need to see name fighters, (my rule of thumb for viewing PPVS is 3 fights deep to watch/buy/go to a bar... UNLESS MARK HUNT IS FIGHTING then it is all systems go!) but the fights were so boring Saturday night that I can imagine that regular fans were dozing off....

I would go into detail here and break down fight by fight.... but there was nothing of merit at all to report.  Brendan Schaub  vs. Andrei Arlovski is worth reporting in that it is only notable in that it was simply an awful, boring extravaganza.  That and the fact that Brendan Schaub slept for 2 rounds.... won the 3rd round easily.... and his jaw looked like it was broken, or filled w/ nuts.

Other than that...let's see: Rory McDonald did what he had to do to represent Montreal's TriStar Gym...and Tyrone Woodley underperformed, but looked like he had the grooviest beard of all time... simply put it was amazing; take a look:
That's the birth of Motha Frickin' cool right there. I dig him, and I was rooting for him... if the beard could have won him the fight...we're talkin' Anaconda Choke tap out win... alas, that is not the case w/ this story. Other than the beard.. and Schaub's jaw, it was an utterly forgettable card. Great to hang out w/ Russ J., however.. love male bonding w/ him and talking MMA.

Other than that, I'm hanging in.  I'm working part time over in Clay County for an organization that is a social services agency that works w/ kids and families in crisis.  I figured it is time to get into the mental health field...albeit part time, unfortunately....but still.  They're good people, and they do noble work.  Just as it is sad to see so many kids in need of help for various reasons (environmental, neurological, etc.) , it is inspiring to see so many parents coming voluntarily in need of help to help address their kids' issues.

Shirley, my mother-in-law is in town, and has been for a while. It's nice to see her, touch base, and see that she is still well, and hanging in. It is also nice to be able to get a few date nights w/ Vicki while she is here! Tobin is doing well. He graduated Pre School, and starts Kindergarten in August.  He also just started Taekwondo and he is LOOOOOOOOVING it! :)

Sometimes the easiest blog posts, contain the greatest, grooviest stuff. Mega Shout outs to Corbyn Hightower, an great author, friend, and raconteur who jammed on the podcast w/ me last week. Check out her blog, and follow her on FB, and BUY Woolgathering: Bedtime Stories for Wayward Grown-Ups, her book!!


Bit of a story about Grad School

Had a pretty amazing experience since we last got together. I was in my "Theories of Adult Psychopathology" class... and we were discussing some of the various mental disorders (mania, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, etc) and I was trying to write a paper on something that I liked, that transcended it merely being a school paper.

So, I decided to do it on aspects of being a champion, and fear/anxiety/PTSD in mixed martial arts.  I sent out a few preemptive messages on Twitter to folks who seemed pretty open that were in that world.

I would be outta line if I did not mention Jens Pulver.  I Facebook mentioned Jens on this topic, and he immediately said"great let's talk!"  Fast forward a couple days, and he and I are on the phone discussing MMA, anxiety, depression and even Fatherhood.

Now, Jens' story is Jens'.  I wont paraphrase or do him a disservice here, by omitting something that I should include, or including something that I should have omitted. Suffice to say:

a) he was the first/best "little" fighter out there in mixed martial arts ("Lil' Evil" being his nickname) b) he has led a life that was filled w/ adversity growing up, and in his adulthood.. he has overcome alot, and needs to be saluted as such.

All is can say is that he made himself beyond available, and talked to me for close to 90 minutes about stuff (as his son was playing video games).

He deserves all things good, as he strives to find sunshine as he heads towards a post fight life (won't say retirement as he said he doesn't like that word).   Friend his fan page on FB and follow him on Twitter. He and his gorgeous family have good things in their future.

He also was nice enough to talk to me for TWO HOURS on my dopey podcast a couple of weeks ago.  Even as he had to drive to his in-laws to drop his kids off. So, thanks, Jens!

If you have any kind of group (youth or otherwise) and you need a speaker in a motivational sense who can share stories about rising to the occasion, reach out to him on his website as he does this alot.

He also is impassioned about working on issues dealing w/ depression, and it's good to have someone in the forefront of this issue w/ such passionate views.

I hope I don't drive him tooo crazy w/ emailing him from time to time, and the sending him the occasional picture of Tobin, or a "hey how ya doing?" type message.

School is still going well. I'm getting good grades, and I'm even working in that profession now (albeit part-time).  I'm doing some hours in an administrative role for an organization that does therapy and emergency services for families in crisis.

Feels good to move away (slooowly) from the spreadsheets and Powerpoints of the business world, towards something of substance... what I really want to do w/ my career, life, etc.  I'm sure there may be setbacks, or disappointments as I pursue this stuff, this direction of mine.. but hey,... it's pretty groovy to be on the right track.

I must say that I'm currently in my "Techniques of Psychotherapy" class right now. We are approaching our last class weekend.  It's pretty wacky to hear yourself on tape as you work on a role play therapy session as a therapist w/ a classmate as the client..

Lot's of "ums" and "aaahs" :)  Tobin, my big boy 5 year old is GRADUATING PRE SCHOOL tomorrow. Jesus Christ, Kindergarten already??!  He has been talking about Godzilla non stop since we saw it.

That's it for now!


Hey, Guess What, Kidderoos??

I'm finally gainfully employed!! About a year to the day after getting laid off from the old place, I've now found a home at a place in Jacksonville doing purchasing stuff. I've learned that NE Florida is NOT the New York/ Jersey area.  So, if you are just a reader/browser of this blog, you may not know where I'm at.... feel free to ask me in person/FB, etc... I just don't discuss hardcore facts about work on here.  Suffice to say I like where I am, I'm happy there.  I'm very, very grateful to be given an opportunity.  I'm going to work very hard there.

I'll write a longer post possibly Sunday night regarding this year of job searching, and being a stay at home Dad, and starting school, and the emotional ups and downs of job interviewing etc etc. etc. All I know is that you can never give up in life. You keep on punching, and you just hang in there!

It IS funny that it took me to hitting middle age to realize that the "this", the life that we are all in, with our sleeves rolled up, and fighting... is "it".  I don't say "it" as in "is this IT" etc.... but what I'm saying is... there is no other level, this is what we get... and we gotta rock it, and work on ourselves... and be the best us that we can be, right here, and right now.

My Intro to Psychopathology class starts tonight. Pretty psyched.  First school weekend where I also am working during the week. Gonna be very interesting to see how egghausted I am gonna be! Stay tuned!!


The Red wine is flowing tonight

I bet you thought I wasn't gonna be following up and being faithful w/ this blog thing, huh, huh?  Well I'm back.  It's been one of those pretty groovy days here in NE Florida. Vicki had paperwork/emails about work to do, and then was going to our friend Samantha's baby shower.  
First off, I got a FUCKING JOB, FINALLY!!! Yeah I've been interviewing for close to a year since I got walked out of the place that has no name in the Sincoff house... FINALLY finding something is a relief... It's a start of an even playing field. A little replenishment of the old coffers  which is a groovy thing.

So to clear up: no wishing bygones to be bygones. No understanding.. no well wishes to other places... Nothing. All the worst... Personally and professionally.. Nothin'. No good stuff to you and yours.
Also had to draw to draw lines and make some readjustments w/ things.... I'm not playing games w/ my family.. treat us all w/ respect.. no bullies allowed

So it was a Tobin and Dad day today..... which is a very hip thing. I finally dragged the kiddo away from the video games (How much do I sound like Sandy Sincoff??) and I took him to Losco Park down in the Mandarin section of Jax.  It was awesome... T stole my Montreal Expos Hat... he ran around... he went down slides, and climbed...he even rode his bike!  Our friend's Rob and Bethany brought their kids Cameryn and Liam (and little Noah) and we all hung out. In the 70 degree sunshine.... And we laughed alot and smiled too. Sometimes life is ok, y'know?

I even bought T. One of those Spongebob Squarepants Ice Cream stick thingees.  It had BLACK GUMBALL EYES THAT YOU COULD BREAK OFF!!! How fucking cool is that?!?  He dug it quite a bit... so that was sweet to see. I was just psyched to have cash in my wallet. I'm sure the Mr. Softee dude did not have like a credit card machine in his truck.

More comments on that UFC Fight Pass thingy via the net subscription deal at some point,,,,, U love concept... but I ain't gonna spend whatever per month to watch Petey Williams fight Frank Mir from 1998 on Vicki's tablet, or watch 2 tier fighters headline a card from Abu Dhabi on the internet... sorry... no thanks.... I like Cyril Dibiate (motherFUCKING SNAKE!), but I ain't gonna log onto the net for the UFC experience for him!

Saul "Canelo" Alvarez vs. Alfredo "El Pero" Angulo tonight on Showtime... Heart says El Perro, but brain is saying Canelo... hope Perro can make it a war, though

ok. that's it.. more wine somewherec


"So where have you gone Ethan Sincoff"

I know that It's been a long, long, long time that I have not posted.  Pretty much if you have read the blog in the past,  you know what happened.  However, for a bit of a "refresher" course, or for those newbies out there: Vicki (my groovy wife). Tobin (awesome son) and I moved to Jacksonville, Florida in July of 2011 because I got a job offer down here.  It was tough to leave Jersey... Jersey and NYC (and Philly, to an extend because that's where I went to school) were all that I know.  Vicki grew up in East Bachoop, and while having lived in DC... she was also getting tired of Winters...

Plus, my Dad was down here in the FL. I wanted to make sure Dad was connected to some kind of familial thing as he hit his mid 80's. Anyway, we move him nearer us here in NE Florida... and he becomes shall we say, very difficult at times... Family members sometimes are always a mixture of pro's and cons, ups and downs. Dad was a loving guy, but to an extent, that love was always on his terms, in a bullying way.

To cut to the chase, one day, he didn't answer his phone, or door, And I knew what the deal was when I kicked in his door. Yeah he was dead. Fast Forward thru the funeral and the return to work, and at the workplace and at home things were not groovy... a whole lot of grief going on.  So I took time off, went into an Outpatient Program... came back to work, and promptly got fired like a couple weeks later.  At the same time, I got into graduate school... so I'm back in school.. and while I may discuss the program and location a bit at some point, I'm gonna refrain at this moment. however.. If you know me, you know what I'm up to... if you are just getting to know me... email me  ethan dot sincoff at gmail dot com

So, for the past year I've been job hunting, and being a stay at home dad, and now, being a graduate student again. The 2nd paycheck would be great... but hey, life throws you curveballs..  you gotta learn to get your bat on the ball, man.... I'm sure Tobin is looking forward to "Fun" Dad returning as I go back to work, rather than "Discipline during the Day" Dad.... but hey, I'm trying :) I've had interviews... nothing has just rocked yet.

Since I last talked to you, there have been a few great fights (both boxing and mma) (Bradley vs. Provodnikov, Provodnikov vs. Alvarado, etc).. and I think the Seattle Seahawks won the Superbowl., and I am well known by the Bartram Trail Library Staff here in Saint Johns County, FL. In fact, the kooky homeless, or middle aged guy who lives at home w/ parents and I give each other the head nod and wave when I see him at the computer internet station.

The other day he was live streaming a ping pong match, and he was watching intently.  To quote my cousin, Sheri, "Ethan, you have to ask yourself, who was having the better day? You, or him?!".

...So, I'm back blogging.. Feel free to read from time to time... Or if ya don't , that's fine too. I'll set my alarm so I can wake up and lose sleep over ya :-)