
In the Wee Small hours of the morning

I don't want anyone to get worried about my father.  I mean, obviously it  IS a concern that he has chest pains, and IT IS a concern that he is in hospital.  However I have spoken to him, and he is alert, and fine.  He is having some sort of cardiogram thingy tomorrow, more news then.  He has been in that hospital soo many times this past year ( it's called Holmes Regional Medical Center) that they should rename it the Elliott Sincoff Hospital. At least name a floor after the guy.  So don't worry.  As they used to say on The Great Space Coaster when we were kids: "No news is good g'news w/ Gary Gnu". (we all know what happened to him, right? Um, no)

Just a few more comments before I go off to bed.  Caught the Democratic Convention tonight. Isn't it a shame that Bill Clinton can't run again? He gave SUCH a phenominal speech .  I mean I'm voting for Kerry... gotta do that..  But it was an amazing speech. So, good on ya Bill!  When I went to bed, it was pitch black, and I was trying to fall asleep (I have been having problems sleeping lately) when our black cat, Emma (as featured previously on this blog) decided to walk onto my chest and lay down.

Now, this would have been fine if she were an ordinary tabby, or brightly colored feline.. However she is proverbially black as space/night/what have you. So for a brief startling moment, I was almost insane.

Then I thought, nah, it's just Emma, my loveable black cat. So there you go.  A 33 yr old married man (unemployed mind you) sitting here in his boxer shorts, typing to an audience of me, talking about my cat Emma.



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