
Urban Legends

I always get accosted by the youth of Jersey City, NJ while walking Fred and Lulu Sincoff (the hippest of all dogs).  It is never the same kid, but they always seem to have the same questions.  Primarily, they're Latino kids, because if you are not in your 20's living here and white, you are Hispanic and your family has lived here FOREVER.

I was walking Fred and Lulu today, and this young Spanish family came walking towards us. Teenage Dad (with complete Blood (of Bloods & Crips fame) bandana and jailhouse style baggy pants), teenage mom, and little boy.

Fred being the friendly dog he is, approached the kid, wagging his tail. The closer that Fred got, the more the kid moved back. Finally the kid backed into the middle of the street to get away from Fred, who stood there wagging his tail quizzically on the curb

I turn into the little patch of Urban Greenery we call a park, and instantly several little kids surround us.  I got an:
  1. Are those your dogs?   (they are on leashes held by ME!)
  2. Are they boys, or girls? ( I tell them one of each)
  3. What are their names? Why did you call them that (because Fred looks like a Fred, and Lulu is a Lulu!)
  4. Do they bite? (usually by this time Fred has jumped up to say hello, and Lulu is running up to make sure she has a share of the attention as well)

I always try to make these conversations very short, because what kind of guy talks to kids by himself in the middle of the day? Aside from me, who is just lame, and out of a job right now? That's right, no Michael Jackson type stories awaiting me!

And then they trot their way, And I take my unemployed self home, along w/ my dogs.

Just trying to bring the community in my little place in the NY Area a little Closer together.

Hey, it takes a Village, you know? 

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