
Weekend Newz

Well it's Saturday Night here at the Sincoff Ranch. Just a few random thoughts to update everyone (Everyone!? Who am I kidding!?!? Does anyone read this?!?) I took Friday off to make it a really long weekend, what with Labor Day on Monday, and all. I liked taking time off so much that I took Tuesday off as well :) Gotta love that "Puritan" work ethic of mine, right?

Poor Tobe has his first cold ever today. He was up 3 or 4 times in the night last night. Poor little guy has such a congested stuffed up nose. It's nothing serious, he's not really running a temperature or anything. It just breaks your heart to hear 'em cry about anything (your children). I mean this is not like "baby is hungry, feed them, and they will be ok" type stuff...

Saw a Spanish film called "Shiver" on Netflix last night. Kinda cool flick about a kid w/ a degenerative eye disease who has to move to this town where there is not alot of sunlight. Of course, he is an outsider, and is viewed as such by the local yokels. Of course, mysterious murders happen at the same time. Pretty good stuff.

Got the jogging stroller all set. I took it over to the bike store. I'm ready to go jogging with Tobin once he is back to feeling himself again. I really can't wait for that. I hope he will be as jazzed about the experience when it happens as I am thinking about it right now.

So psyched to see the "24/7" franchise back on HBO with the upcoming Floyd Mayweather/Juan Manuel Marquez fight next weekend. I think all sports that are looking for a an audience should look to this show as the premier way to promote a game/match etc.. It truly makes it an EVENT. Painting Money Mayweather as the rich asshole (well, he is, right?), and JMM as the humble, tough Mexican everyman. It's just great stuff. I have respect for both guys, though I'm a JMM fan big time.

Of course we have the next UFC coming up that same weekend too. I'll be interested to see the PPV numbers of both the UFC event from Dallas, and the Mayweather Marquez fight. I love boxing, and I do love MMA also. However, consistently, MMA has delivered the more enjoyable matches lately. Boxing promoters have to be looking over their shoulder

Saw the in-laws in PA last weekend. Went to a great restaurant w/ the Newcomers! It's always great to see Kayly and Nate. In fact, the evening ends, and you wish you could hang out some more!!!


Tobin hits a New Milestone!

So, I'm sitting my couch this morning, it's a Saturday. I'm enjoying a freshly brewed cup of Sanka (SMIRK! It really wasn't SANKA!! I just wanted to make a 1970's reference here!!)... so anyways, I'm sitting there, and Tobe is playing on the floor on the other side of the room. He sees me, and then army crawls over to me!! It was awesome, and took my breath away. We've tried to recreate the event in the following video

Notice Mr. T. Totally proves he is a Mommy's boy at heart :) (well after all, he's a Nice Jewish Boy!!) If he was not a big fan of his mommy, there would be no need for therapy later on in life lolololoolol psyyyyyyyyche. In all seriousness, it was amazing to be there to see a milestone get checked off the list of ol' milestones that Tobin Sincoff needs to accomplish. Truly a great event.

In other news, I just had my first accupuncturist's appointment today. My presumed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has been really bothering my hands as of late. They feel heavy, tingly/sometimes numb. It's a scary situation. I met w/ the Doctor there, and she was such a cool lady! She explained how one area of your body may hurt, but that body part has a pathway where energy travels. This pathway can begin at the complete other end of your body!.

To cut to the chase, she Stuck me with about a gazillion needles. No, they don't hurt!!. I even managed to take a nap w/ them in me. I can honestly say, my fingers and hands feel much better. And I even feel really engergized. I am gonna be going 2x a week for the next month. I'll keep you posted!!

When I got home, I had some breakfast. Then Vicki and I took Tobin to the playground so he could swing on the swings :)

Looking forward to chilling out tonight, and maybe watching a "bad" good movie on PPV or something like that. There's a couple bottle's o'wine in the house, and a brand new bag of pretzels!! Sounds like a Saturday Night in Paradise to me!!


Nice Job, Josh Barnett!!

You're such a fucknut!!

Way to test positive for anabolic steroids for the 2nd time in your career!! This time, you tested positive PRIOR to the fight. You're putting the entire Affliction PPV in jeopardy as a result! Douche... I mean, they are talking about Vitor Belfort fighting Fedor now. Belfort is a Middleweight, and will be giving up some 30 pounds or so! I don't even know how the California State Athletic Commission would even license that!
At a point when Mixed Martial Arts is getting alot of mainstream (Sports Illustrated, ESPN, etc) press, the combination of what Brock Schmucky Lesnar did, and your drug test failure is too much!! You give off the impression that MMA athletes are just pill popping (injecting), and bullying goons! The thing is, Josh is a GOOD fighter, he is possibly one of the best wrestlers I've seen fight; not to mention articulate, and great on the microphone. Just sad.
I hope the PPV card still happens. I'll watch either way,
cos I love me some Fedor
As my wife would say :) I often wonder if Fedor, or Randy Couture is more of her ugly man crush or is it Wandy Silva???!!?!?
Onto a note about a friend, I'm not gonna say who it is, but I have this friend who may read this from time to time. I have recently seen pictures of some of her friends gathering at a function for someone who was once in their life. I'm sorry, but I don't get it. You should have your friend's back. Ya don't embrace someone when they do something douchey. You certainly don't celebrate them.
Ok, I'm off my friend soapbox. I don't even know if the person in question who may read this even agrees with my theories....however I'm sorry. You gotta support your peeps. I would not be that gregarious in my celebration when that person did something soo questionable.
I had this big, mega powerful work meeting today. It was in a hotel and everything. I feel so rocking and so Joe Corporate. If only I had a corporate card to put it on!! I just had a diet coke, but still!! There is something really funny about a roll up your sleeves kind of corporate meeting!


Why can't I post 2x in 24 hours?

Who can say that I can't? Huh, huh?? I wish I had the cynicism of my good friend, Rockstar Rollie Fingers. Though he is not the infamous Oakland A's relief Ace from the 1970's. I mean if it was Rollie Fingers, what would I talk to him about? His sharp mustache? See RR has the cool stuff happening, stuff that he can vent about. With his rockstar life in the Heights of Jersey City, and the new outdoor Beer Garden place that opened up.. I sure he was there 1 month ago during a pre opening shindig! Seriously, Rollie knows I love him! However, it's fun, and crazy being a parent to an almost 8 month old! Sometimes you run out of time!

I know everyone is awaiting my UFC 100 review. I will only say this, Georges St. Pierre is an incredible athlete, perhaps the best of his generation, and a true gentleman. Dan Henderson was out of line (but SO awesome) in hitting Michael Bisping with that flying forearm after he was already out cold. And Brock Lesnar was a total douche bag of the highest order in beating Frank Mir, and then getting into his face afterwards, and flipping the crowd off!

I mean, you don't get in the face of a guy you beat, and get all macho on him, that's bogus. Not to mention, I think that some of Frank's stand up was working prior to getting taken down, and just viciously pounded out


Why is it that I don't post more often??

I enjoy posting to this here blog thing, yet I have not been here since the beginning of July! Why is that? I find it so cathartic to post here... Perhaps it is because I have a very energetic almost 8 month old little boy who rocks my world on a daily basis!! :) I get it easy; at least I go to work here at gnirreF to break up my world being rocked!! Bicki has to be there all day!! In all seriousness, Tobin is embracing the world , it's awesome to see how he is growing and adapting.

I wish I knew more about President Obama's Healthcare initiative. I have to find out more about this. I know that the polls are sliding for him, and I keep hearing that this overhaul of healthcare is gonna cost some hyooooooooge amount. However, I really want to know about the meat and potatoes of what he is trying to do!!

Vicki and I have discovered a love of Captain Morgan's Mojito Beverage, as well as their Strawberry Daquiri Malt Beverage. Thanks to Kayly for introducing them to us during our Great weekend at Rehobeth Beach!! They are awesome!! Love embracing our inner white trash!!!

I'm so looking forward to the Affliction Clothing MMA card coming up on August 1st. Do you think that Josh Barnett can stand up to Fedor Emilianenko?? What do y'all think?

Any card that has Renato Sobral on it, I'm there. He can do the stand up, and he rocks the Ground game!


What the Hell is up w/ the Republicans??? Oh, and RIP Michael Jackson too


Why are the Republicans such hypocrites? They can't merely be fiscally conservative; which to a point, I can fathom (i.e. not necessarily agree with, but understand), but when they start trying to say who can marry and who can't, and about prayer in school, and stuff like that... it get's to be too much, y'know?

Which is why it is highly ironic when they Talk the Talk, but are unable to Walk the Walk! Take in point South Carolina Governor, and onetime 20012 Presidential Candidate Mark Sanford. He's big on the family values thing. Why is it he hooked up w/ a lovely lady from Argentina, who does not seem to be his wife (GASP!!)? I mean, Adultery is a private matter, so I don't delight in seeing his families' pain being front page news. HOWEVER, in the same respect, when he acts all mighty, and holy, and these skeletons appear. You have to say "I told ya so" in a kind of happy way!! The fact he admitted to more daliances today makes it even more of a hysterical story.

We lost Michael Jackson this past week on Thursday. I must say, I have never been so underwhelmed by a celebrity death!! I can appreciate his contribution to music, and I certainly remember the "Thriller" era dominating my 7th Grade year.. However, the man became a freak show in the past decade or so. Reality did not get along with Michael Jackson. We'll never really know WHAT the deal was with him. I feel sorry for his kids though. Who are these people who are hanging out in front of his house, and dancing by the Apollo Theatre??! I don't get that.

I am SO psyched for UFC 100 . That is when Brock Lesnar rematches against my main man, Frank Mir. The last time they fought, Brock was streamrolling away like a bull in a china shop, but he forgot how to guard against an ankle lock , that became a knee lock. Frank Mir lost the first minute of that fight.. it was only the last 10 seconds that mattered! Do it again Frank! I'm also psyched to see GSP dominate over Thiago Alves, and I want to see Dan Henderson kick Michael Bisbings butt!


Vacation was a success

We really gots the best 7 month old on the planet. Not only did Toby make it 4+ hours in the car from Pennsylvania, to Rehobeth Beach, Delaware with nary a peep. He loooooooved the beach, and enjoyed his wading pool! He was the rock star, big time. He also flew 2 1/2 hours to Florida, and flirted and laughed with everyone around him!

He had a great time in Florida visiting hs Grandpa, as did his Mom and Dad! In fact, my father and I didn't argue at all. Thank heavens for grandkids, I guess!!

It was sooo darn hot down there, we could only hang out by the pool in small increments. However, Toby was a big fan of his swim lounge thing :)

We even were down there for Father's Day. It was my first Father's Day. It was incredibly special, and felt like like it was very normal. It put a smile onto my face!!! In fact, the entire vacation was an all around success, we saw my Dad, Toby saw his Grandpa, we did Father's Day down there, saw my Aunt Cynthi, and just had a few good meals out!!

On a pop culture note, it's crazy how all these celebs are dying at once. My friend, and former NPHS'er Amy Jo make a fine posting about the Michael Jackson death deal. All I can say is, what a media circus!! I have never seen a guy w/ so much talent, become this "other" type of celebrity. It was more than like when you stop making new hits, you can always play Vegas... this was an entirely carnivalesque sense of living.... I found the whole hysteria crazy :(
I was saddened to hear about Billy Mays too :( Shame. Guys, you gotta watch your cholesterol, and have your stress test every 6 months!!
Ok, off to bed, more later.!!



Oh yeah, we're just kicking it here at The Sincoff Chateau (The Ranch, The Compound, The Center, if you will). Enjoyed a groovy Long Weekend here w/ Bickaboo and Mr. T. Went out to Dinner w/ The Family, and Abbie, Andy and Aidan on Friday night. We went to this new Mexican Restaurant; which was pretty good!! My steak had this awesome Lime rub spice deal on it, and it rocked the hizzouse. I even watched my caloric intake (somewhat) and had the second portion of it for lunch on Saturday.

We truly had GREAT weather this long weekend, and that totally rocked my socks off. It makes one MUCH MUCH MUCH happier to be in sunshine, than in lame ass cold gray weather. One day, I will have my wish, and we will live in either the desert, or a tropical setting, cos that is how Ethan Sincoff rolls! LOLOLOL

Gotta mention that I was blown away by Lyoto Machida's win over Rashad Evans from the UFC event on Saturday night. Check it out on PPV, or youtube it if it's available. The era of The Dragon is in full effect!! I never saw Rashad get so dominated before! He went down like he was shot, and landed in one of those totally unnatural angle type deals that wil be a highlight of many many PPV intros to come!!

Shocking end to "Breaking Bad" last night!!!!! That show is the best. LOVE IT.

And we ended the long weekend w/ a little cook out action! How can you beat that?!?! Gotta love the Jamaican Jerk Chicken!!!

Now, if only I can hear some news on the professional front (vague, vague...), life could not be finer!!


I know, I know, I'm SORRY, I'm sorry....

Jeeze Louise, you have one child, one newborn comes into your life, and suddenly all thoughts of having a creative output like this gets sucked into some other kind of vortex... some distant otherworld type deal.. Things have been flying by. Tobin is getting bigger and bigger (well, within reason; look who his parents are). He just had his 4 month checkup and shots. He is now 13lbs! He rocks.

Vicki, and her BFF Kayly just had a "Girl's" weekend up at Mohegan Sun.... where they drank swanky cocktails, had pedicures, and generally got their freak on. So, it was just Mr. T and Me for the whole weekend! We both made it through ok!! It was an amazing experience having the bambino to myself... He doesn't like to sleep w/o his mommy, that's for sure!! It all worked out in the end.

My workplace at ol' gnirreF kinda blows. The issues that are network wide, are kind of blamed on little old me. See, just when I tell my shrink that I'm not gonna play the victim card, I end up getting hasstled!!! What can you do??? I guess that is what I'm striving to do; figure it out...

We took Tobe to see his grandparents in PA this past weekend. They had a blast hanging w/ him. It's nice to go there, and see 'em... but things (not my in-laws per say, but LIFE in that area) is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure kinda different.... Eh, again what can u do???? Different Strokes, Right, Mr. Drummond??

SOO psyched that "In Treatment" is back on HBO!! If you have not seen it, check it out... amazingly powerful show. Also check out "No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" if you can.. truly a sweet, heartwarming show.

UFC this weekend!! I think the Iceman is gonna get got!!!


So what have we been up to,you may ask?

Why, Vicki and I have been busy raising our little football hooligan! His Aunt Sarah from Engerland sent this over the other day. He looks like he could be heading out to watch a game at Nevada Smith's in the East Village on PPV or something! Now, all he needs to do is get his parents to watch some games at some point.....
I've been so busy, and sooo "eggshausted" if you will, that I have not posted of late. I truly apologize for that. Things have been kinda dickish at work at gnirreF lately. In short, VP bossman gave me bad review, and told me he did not want to look at my objectives. Then, he has me report to someone new, and now I am being penalized for not having achieved any objectives so I don't get a bonus. Awesome, right?
Also been dealing w/ carpal tunnel issues. I hope that I don't need surgery, but, if I have to; I have to, y'know? I'm tired of tingling in my fingers, and semi paralysis as well.... this is particularly hard when I have to deal with getting work done at said dickish job :(
Tobe is awesome :) He is smiling big time, and he makes this "whoo" noise like a little Ric Flair! Vicki is an amazing Mom. She went to do her knitting/bead stuff today, and I had Mr. T on my own. By the time she came back, I was glad to see her! I don't know how she does it every day!!
I do have some satisfaction that I did much better w/ this parental solo deal than Thursday.
It's an amazing experience all around!
ps: Kudos to Juan Manuel Marquez and Juan Diaz for their great fight on HBO last night!


Tobin's Open House Welcome Party

Before I go give you guys some dish regarding the great weekend we had in the Sincoff house, I have to go back a couple weeks to let you know why I've been so quiet. I've tried to not fall into a rut, and not post. However there have been some events that really made me unable to do so. To begin, I got really sick just after my last post. It was some kind of cold/cough/aches/pain/chills infection thingy. It really, really really sucked! I was on anti-biotics for 10 days, and even then did not feel great until just recently. I was just miserable.

Also, just after I had "gotten over the hump" w/ that deal, I messed my back up big time. I don't know if it was the constant carrying of the baby around, or if I slipped on the ice, or what. My mobility was like ZERO. Thankfully, w/ some chiropractor visits, and some stretching, I am beginning to feel like a human being again.

We had a wonderful "Open House-Welcome Home Tobin" Party on Saturday. Vicki really rose to the occasion, and did a groovy job. She made the best cupcakes EVER. Everything had a baby boy blue theme, and she had lot's of little ducks on everything!! We actually had 25 or so friends and family over . Tobe was a great baby, and smiled for everyone!

There are more pics up on Facebook, so check 'em out.

Before I go, I have to say a few words about the Affliction PPV. What an incredible card! I usually judge a PPV by "how deep the card is". Many UFC PPV's have been guilty of having a great main event, but HORRIBLE undercard fights. I felt that this card was awesome, top to bottom. From Renato "Babalu Sobral submitting Soukoudjou w/ an awesome Anachonda Choke, to Vitor Belfort KTFO'ing Matt "The Law" Lindland (you know someone is KNOCKED out when their leg is spasming as they lay there unconscious) these were awesome, exiting fights. Mega props to Gilbert Yvel for hanging in there against Josh Barnett as long as he did.

He so has to find a ground game however. He does have killer tattoos:

Finally, just some words of advice to Andrei Arlovsky: "Hey, Pitbull; if you are gonna go for a flying knee against Fedor Emilianenko, keep your guard up!! You are gonna get knocked out cold FLAT ON YOUR FACE!!

I will return soon w/ my thoughts on the Obama Presidency, and the long needed farewell to the worst president of Modern Times, George W. Bush


I have been sick...

Which is why I have not been posting in the past week.. I came down w/ this horrible virus thingy. My chest hurt, and I was coughing, throat was sore, I was losing my voice.... etc. etc. I managed to go to the doctor on Monday afternoon. There were a ton of patients waiting there to be called in the waiting room. I guess it is getting to be that time, really. The whole "winter flu and cold season" thing.

Thankfully, I'm FINALLY beginning to feel a little better. We took it waaaaaaaaaaaaaay easy this weekend, which rocked. We were supposed to go to Pennsylvania for a "Welcome Tobin" party for the PA relatives. Well, we got a ton of snow this weekend. That put the kaybosh on the visit PA thing. It will have to be rescheduled at a later date, as the kids say.

I must give shout outs to a couple of new tv shows that I have discovered in the past 10 days. Even though I've been sick, I can not get enough of the shows "Mamma's Boys", and "Confessions of a Former Teen Idol". They are incredible trashy pieces os television. Everything that is bad about TV, is reflected in these two programs. I'm ok with this however!!

I'm currently watching Tobin try to fight off falling asleep. It is very, very cute :) I wonder where he gets that from??!