
Been a Long time

I know , I know. I gotta get to gettin' to be one of those "uber" hipsters who posts constantly on his/her blog about their comings and goings. I WISH I had uber hip things to tell you about! Sadly, both Vick and I have been working working and working. Things at the old Chocolate Confectionary place have had their ups and downs

Ups is that I was just (after 1 year of contracting) offered a full time employee gig there. Great, benefits and the like. Downs, is that the work has really, really sucked there as of late. I work for someone new, and they are just piling the work on me. So much in fact, that I have not been able to actually get into the holiday feel or vibe of the upcoming New Years Eve festivities.

Some cool stuff of late: I did get groovy Chanukah gifts: including an Oasis Day Spa package (I gave Vicki one too!), a UFC hoodie (so I can look like Evan Tanner! Howsabout that for a reference NO ONE will get!?), a UFC octagon shaped mouse pad!, Some upscale shaving products, and the piece de resistance, a pair of groovy comfy slippers, and PJ's. Thanks Vick, I hope you enjoyed the pressies I gave u !!

We also saw "King Kong" w/ the in laws in PA. Cried my eyes out. I cried in 1977 at the horrible remake then... and I bawled at age 35 last weekend at this new version. True enough, it coulda been a bit shorter... but that Animatronic Ape gave an incredible performance. He would be welcome to live in our backyard in Jersey City, anytime! Though I hope he would not want to eat Fred and Lulu!

King Kong, if you read this blog (!) , you can feel free to come and eat Zelda the cat ANYTIME!!! LOLOL


We're the Kids in America (At Marco & Pepe)

Hey now folks. Thought I'd get online and leave a little posting towards the end of the week. I can't tell you how long it's been since I've posted 2x in 7 days on here! So, you're really get a bang for your internet buck this week. Ol Mr. Sincoff is feeling prolific and stuff. Just call me Billy Faulkner

Had a very interesting weekend last week. I gots ta talk about pleasant stuff because work has been kicking my ass this week. I was just in a 4 hour meeting today discussing all these value savings projects for 2006 that the confectionary business is gonna do. The minutia we discussed was just keraaaaaaaaaazy. Like reduce foil 1mm on all Crunch bars... I'm serious. I want to push a child in traffic after that.

So last weekend, yeah. We saw alterna rock arena stars Foo Fighters and Weezer . A very nice rock show was had by all. Though my wife DID swoon a bit too much during Dave Grohl's Schtick on stage. Who woulda thunk he had all that charasma while the drummer in Nirvana .

Then, after the concert, we were walking Freddie and Lulu. We ran into the cool kids who work accross the street at Marco & Pepe. We finally went out on the beers w/ them. One of the waitresses', Jessica has a fiancee who is also named Ethan (see it's funny because MY name is Ethan, and HIS name is Ethan.. repetition plus time = comedy, folks!) .

This Ethan as it turns out is in this band called The World Famous Crawlspace Brothers . They do country acoustic songs about serial killers. Cool, sardonic stuff. He's a good guy, so I'm giving him a shout out here.

Highlight of the drinking night was when E was arguing w/ this waitress (like in a good way arguing) they were talking about cities going downhill, like urban problems, African Americans and stuff. Vick leans in and goes to me "what are they talking about?" I go, "They're talking about the decline of the Post Industrial American Urban Center". Vick goes "Oh, they're talking about BLACKS"... Hysterical stuff from my sexy liberal wife from Pennsyltucky!

So it was a good night w/ all of the M&P Kids. This week has been a blur of work, work , and more work. Oy Vey, man! Gimme Gimme a vacation.

Thank god the weekend is here!


Ok Enough Already w/ the rain

Jesus Freakin' Christ. It's been raining for the last 6 days. I just can't take it anymore. Where are we living? Fucking SCOTLAND or something? I don't see any motherfucking MOORS in Jersey City... This rain has been absolutely SOUL SUCKING the past few days. I just am asking for partly cloudy right now. I don't want sunshine totally, I would be happy w/ just SOME rays of light. Though I hear that it will not be sunny til Sunday... Alas, sigh.

Today was the big Yom Kippur. We slept in til 2pm. We chose not to fast this year. I don't really feel like we have anything to atone for.. cos we're perfect, Vicki and I are, aren't we? I have always had MAJOR issues w/ the whole higher power thing... I just would like to see SOME sign of something "else" before I commit to a whole day of asking for forgiveness by sitting in a synagogue w/ no windows open, and not eating as well......

And mind you, I LIKE our synagogue. Just haven't been for the past few months. We will be back however. Just not right away ! I mean, how lame would it be to show up the week b4 the high holy days, and then not come to Rosh Hashanah, or Yom Kippur services?? Would not be cool, right???!

Dude, there was UFC on PPV last friday, AND there was the Corrales vs. Castillo rematch on PPV on Saturday!! I mean, that's why you work, to enjoy it right? Not to mention the coke and the hookers and stuff... Just joking, heh heh heh. Although if there are any 420 suppliers out there that have Jersey City in their delivery sights... feel free to hit me up on the email !

Work has been kinda sucky lately. Not horrible, just sucky and stuff. I have deadlines for a project where I really have NO idea what I'm doing... I'm dancing more than Mr. Bojangles to pull this one off!! Jesus Christ.. I mean can you believe I was in a 4 hour meeting where we discussed, among other scintillating topics , that if we cut down on the fin seal (wrapper edge thingy on a chocolate wrapper) that we might save some $$?? Sweet Baby Christ, y'know? Not to mention they have been draaaaaaaagging out the whole permanent job thing .

I just want a nice high rise apartment w/a doorman. Is that too much to ask??


A little good, and some bad

So greetings from the JC, muthafucka's.

Since I last talked to you , we've had some ups, and downs. I don't want to really go into detail about the miscarriage, other than to say it happened, and we are dealing w/ it . It really fucking sucked, and it was really unexpected. Vicki is an amazingly strong woman, and I don't know how she does it. I especially don't know how she deals w/ an asshole like me. I'm such a type A fucking morbid person. I'm soooo gonna die of stress young at some point in my 50's.... or maybe not. I'm working on it.

And on a good note, I turned 35 yrs old Friday. We celebrated in style. We went on a drinking tour of Jersey City, which was not bad. Kirk , Dina and John, and Susannah Lever went out. What started out being a questionable evening (ie: some of the people not enjoying their meals, susannah being tired, and uncommunicative) it ended up being a great time. She proverbially sucked it up like a trooper and partied hard.

For the record, the Birthday Boy's Mexican food was pretty good....

Gotta make the obligatory Hurrican Katrina comment and say I was stunned by what I saw on TV. Never has an administration been so transparent in their failures and shortcomings... In the end , it will be Bill Clinton's fault, as everything is according to the Republicans...


"I'm Sorry, but you're Just Not right for our band--INXS, God Bless"

Have y'all seen the show? It is quite possibly the most fascinating television you will see this summer! It's amazing, and incredible for many reasons. Most of all, it's a train wreck! You have an aging , faceless band, looking for an incredibly charismatic lead singer. Now, INXS was great,... WHEN MICHAEL HUTCHENSE was alive (did you remember he died masturbating?!)

The whole show reeks of desparation, and I love it. The girl singers on the show (none of whom have a chance of winning, btw) are slutty, and wear belly shirts... and the guys are all questionably straight, and either "cocky" or "earnest"... Love it.. Brooke Burke is almost illiterate as a very hot, but very dumb hostess. Dave Navarro looks like he is about to join NAMBLA.. also.

As for the members of INXS, to paraphrase Charlie Manson, "They got old on us, baby".. They are leathery and wear sun glasses inside... and I love each and every one of them deeply, especially Garry Gary Beers!

That catchphrase rocks , doesn't it?!?!?!?? I mean c'mon IT'S IN THE TITLE OF THE TV SHOW!!! WHY SAY IT AS A CATCHPHRASE!?!? :) It will be this year's "Where's the Beef?"

Onto personal news, the baby front is progressing swimmingly . Vick had her 2nd OB/GYN visit the other day, and Baby Sincoff is the size of a pinto bean, and Vick is 8 weeks pregnant. All things going ok, Bean (our nickname for the little one) will be arriving into this world on March 18th. We have our first ultrasound on Monday night. I'm cautiously ecstatic!

It's an amazing feeling, knowing your gonna be a dad. I totally reccomend to you hipster guys reading this (Who reads this but me!?). ...... Go on, The Strokes and Interpol give you permission!!!!


What the Fo'

So here it is, over a month plus since I've last posted. I bet you think I'd forgotten about you guys. Well, even though I have a horrible cold this weekend, I have forced myself up off the couch to update you on my life and existence in general.

I must cut right to the chase and say that the big news for Vick and I is that we are expecting! That's right, last Wednesday, I was awoken by Vicki holding a positive test going "look at this good news"!! We had our first OB visit the other day as well. All indicators point to this being totally healthy pregnancy, thank god for that .. :) it totally puts a smile on my face. We're both over joyed at the prospect of being parents!

We were also up in Toronto a few weeks ago for Adam Cohen's wedding. It was nice.. Not as nice as finding out you are gonna be a father, but nice nonetheless!

Now, if I could only post more often...


Punk Ass Beeyotch

Hello there readers of the blog here,

I have been travelling around, making ol' Jack Keruoac look like an agoraphobic. I was in California , in San Diego visiting my ailing Uncle Elliot. It was an emotional visit. I'm so glad I got to see him when I did. My thoughts are of course, with him. It's just a sad, sad story there, and better off expressed at a later point. Just suffice to say the the great writers of Tragedy of our times could not write a more sad story.

Vick and I were also in Florida visiting Dad. We had a good time. Got sunburned, read a bunch of books by the pool, did some swimming and went to the beach. Dad and I did not argue at all, so yay Dad :-) In all seriousness it was a great visit, and I wish we lived closer.. And, that we could move Avenue A to Melbourne!

The post title refers to my former favorite fighter, Kostya Tszyu . He fought a major fight against Ricky "The Hitman" Hatton this past weekend. He took his title, and fought in Ricky's hometown of Manchester, England. Yeah there were 22,ooo screaming Brits there. However The champ, Kostya, quit on his stool between the 11th and 12th rounds . Again, I'm not the fighter, but I truly believe a champ does not quit, he goes out on his shield.

I mean, it's easy for me, but I've dug this guy from since 1996. He's been a great fighter, a real classy act. Champs do not give up.... They should get KO'd. Let him lose his title on his back. Not giving up and throwing in the towel. I mean, love him , or not but Fernando Vargas has lost two fights (to Felix "Tito" Trinidad, and Oscar Delahoya) and both times he got KTFO (Knocked the Fu8k out!) .... He knows about being a warrior. Even though he is a dick.

Kostya, I love ya man, but you're not a warrior anymore. You're a nice guy . Marvin Hagler once said "It's hard to get up and train for a fight when you went to bed the night before in silk pajamas". Enjoy retirement, my man. I will always remember the good fights you had.

Perhaps he was jinxed because that lame ass Russell Crowe was in the audience!? Wouldn't it be funny if that guy "Crow" From MST3K was the lead in "Cinderella Man" ?!?!? Or, even better , the antiquated "Jim Crow Laws"?!?!? HA HA HA HA HA HA . Funny.

Aside from that , Vicki and I are cautiously beginning a physical fitness regime. We bought one of them big blue exercise balls you see at your popular workout places for crunches, and the like. Soon enough, if I play my cards right, exotic male dancer/prostitute may be my calling , if procurement does not play out! LOL . Hey, don't dream it, be it.


Sweet Baby Jesus

It's been a long time since I last posted. So sorry about the delay, I'm working on posting a couple times this week, honest injun I am. It's been a very busy, as well as a very reflective time in the House O'Sincoff the past month. As I'm sure y'all realize it's been a year exactly since Samuel passed away. To think that 365 days have passed since our beautiful baby boy left us really makes you wonder where all the time has gone.

So not only have we been reflecting on that a whole lot, but Vicki and I are actively trying to have another baby. So far all of the unprotected loving has ROCKED !! WAHOO :) No conception yet, but I shall keep you posted dear reader, as Vick and I dance the coital tango all the way to Baby Avenue :) In all seriousness, we found out that future babies will most probably NOT have the same neurological, and renal issues that Sammy had. We are very relieved that we can proceed w/o worrying about future generations of Sincoff's having the same illness that Sam had.

Also, just found out that a dear family relative of ours, my Uncle Elliot, is very ill in California. I'm flying out to San Diego next week to spend some time w/ him... Hopefully I can be of some emotional support, we shall see, won't we? Aside from the very sad reasons of my trip out there (I mean, no one should be sick, should they?) I am looking forward to chilling w/ Elliot. Despite him being a right wing Republican, he's a great guy!!

I also was fitted for a tuxedo last week at a major MEN'S clothing store chain... (this was for Ed and Rachel's wedding) , the obese man who fitted me.... kept on saying questionable sentences like; "you have a real wrestler's body", and "you've got a nice football players neck"..... it was very disturbing! I kept on looking over at Vicki, who was shoving her fist in her mouth to keep from laughing!

I also got back in touch w/ my old college budy Mary F. ! Mary and I used to get up to all sorts of hijinx together (of course non romantic hijinx!) and she was a great friend. We had not talked in like 8 years or so..... I don't remember our last conversation, or why we drifted out of touch.... but it's so great to pick up where we left our friendship off! I truly have missed her as a pal !

Vicki and I had an awesome time at the terribly lame "Hoboken Arts and Music Festival" yesterday. The vendors looked to be the same ones they have every year.... "fried dough".... "paintings"... "lemonade"... etc but we did buy some canine cannoli's for Fred and Lulu!

Now, if only the network here at work would come back on, I can get some work done!


End of week blues

You ever get the vibe where the work day is just dragging, and dragging and DRAGGING??? It seems like time is going in reverse here at the ol' Chocolate Factory today. Not that it is a bad thing or anyting. I'm just sayin' that 5pm can not come here more quickly for my tastes (as cultured as those tastes are!)

First off, as my last posting states, if you have not seen the Pacquiao vs. Morales fight .... check it out. Buy it from a tape trader, watch it on HBO , whatever. If you want to see what makes boxing so passionate... so exciting, so wonderful, please do yourself a favor and check it out. Winning or losing, both are warriors in my book.

Crazy couple of days w/ the whole Terry Schiavo deal. I'm gonna try to keep my mistrust of organized religion out of here for the time being. Let me just say that it should have been a very private family matter, not one decided by the Senate, or our vacationing President. Shame on them for exploiting grief. Having been someone who has had to say "no more procedures" regarding a dying loved one... I know the whirlwind of emotions there.... shame on the Religious Right. . Period . Jeb Bush is lame, btw.

Also, we have Pope John Paul II moving on to that high rise Vatican City loft in the sky. I remember Pope John I who died after like 30 days "on the job"... I was in 2nd grade when that happened. Crazy.

Looking forward to a very relaxing weekend! Susannah is in Oklahoma (seriously, and hey she's talking to me again) , and Kirk is in Beantown.. so it is a total Ethan and Vicki weekend!

Watch out , we're hanging w/ the Shingletons tonight!!


A Fight worth Paying Double for

For those (all 2 of you who read this) of you out there who wonder why I'm a boxing fan, there's a fight on PPV tonight between Erik Morales and Manny Pacquiao that will explain why.. It is going to showcase 2 130lb guys, who simply do not know the word quit (literally). After all the bad heavyweight fights, where there are 2 fat guys hitting each once every round, after all the BAD things that come out of boxing... It's gonna be so awesome for good stuff to happen for the sport.

Every once in a while, there are fighters who come along, who are SO passionate about what they do, you can't help but be a fan, and also be completely humbled by how much they leave of themselves in the ing each time they fight. It makes you wonder how they come back for more. I'm sure coming from poverty helps.. Erik is from Tijuana, Mexico , and Manny is from the Philippines. Neither of those communities have a plethora of wealthy people... I think these guys both turned pro at age 15!

Irregardless of my musings here. I just had to say, this fight tonight is what makes you a boxing fan. It's so good a match up, that you don't mind sitting thru a year's worth of bad decisions, and one sided knockouts!! The whole card is gonna rock as well!

So to Erik "El Terrible" Morales , and Manny "The Pac Man" Pacquiao, I wish you both well tonight.. I'm slightly favoring Erik for some solid technical, and personal reasons... but both guys are excellent fighters.

There really are no losers w/ a fight like tonight!!


Weddings, Parties, Bar mitzvahs, Anything

Well, the jet lag thang is slowly wearing off. I was in lovely Manchester England for Natalie and Elliott Chevin's wedding! The weekend started off on an ominous note. I got to the airport at like 5:30pm for my 7:30pm flight. When I get to the check in counter, the heavily Eastern European woman goes something to the effect of: "Dasvedana bubbeleh, your flight is delayed til 10pm" Oy vey.

After 3 Jack and Diet cokes, and reading many pages of a Detective Harry Bosch novel by Michael Connelly, I finally boarded the flight at like 11:48PM. It really sucked. I took 2 non prescription sleeping pills (just wanted to spell that out in case my father reads this), drank a bottle of non prescription red wine, and fell asleep the entire flight. THAT part rocked!

I am neglect in reporting that Vick could not come. The $ and cents of me missing work as a contractor, and not getting paid, the plane tickets, and kennelling Fred and Lulu would have made it like a $1,400 venture. Just too much of an expenditure sadly.

Our great friends, Mr. Arsenal, Rob DaCosta and his lovely girlfriend Amanda Hyams (she's a chemist, you know!) picked me up at the airport. I was one tired, unshaven mess!! We caught up and made up for lost time on the ride to the humble burg of Prestwich. Rob and 'Manda dropped me off at the home of septuagenarian hipsters (and neighbors of Michael and Helen Lewis) Murray and Margaret Fink. Ironically, 7 years ago, a slightly slimmer, single, less sane version of this punk rock blogger had stayed w/ the Finks for Abigail Lewis (now Yaffe) wedding.

While I caught up w/ M&M Fink, I mananged to grab a shower, and shave ( not w/ M&M in attendance!). The lovely Helen Morris called, and off we went for a walk around Manchester.... and no, we did not find out what Mike Joyce and Andy Rourke have been up to in the 20 years since the Smiths broke up!!

Finally I got to see Nat and Elliott that night. It was awesome to catch up w/ them. SO great to see Michael and Helen, Nat's parents. I really feel close to them, and consider them family. Natalie really is like a sister to me, the BEST friend anyone could ask for! I totally would have flown to the farthest distance from America to attend this event. I can't tell you how many highs and lows we both have gone thru together (although sometimes I have not always been immediate w/ my return phone calls when she needed me, and I greatly regret that) . I actually got to talk more w/ Elliott as well, and found him to be a really good guy. I feel we really bonded on this trip.

What can I say about the wedding? Hopefully I will have some scanned photos on here once Rob D. or 'Manda H. sends me some. It was a rocking event. Aside from the Shul being overly warm, as the Hilton Suite was.. it was a lovely ceremony, really emotional .. .and the party just ROCKED. I even got a shout out during the thank you bit from Elliott! How rocking is that? I even met some new peeps, and talked to some old ones that I hadn't seen in ages. All in all, a lovely evening. Just when it started, it was sadly ending. Everyone was singing a James Taylor classic ("you've got a friend") and that was the night. It was time to say good bye!

Although I must say I missed Vicki TERRIBLY... (That's Vicki Sincoff, not Vicki the Terrible:-) . My return flight took off on Monday, on time at 9:30am , I actually landed 30 minutes early... now that almost makes up for the 6 odd hrs I waited in Newark :)

To be serious, I would have waited 70 hrs. It was just a wild wild weekend . I'm so glad that Vicki and I have friends all over , it makes the world a much smaller place.



yes, ladies and germs, (but seriously folks) we are about to get hit w/ about a FOOT of snow this afternoon. Lock up your valuables! Your Daughters! Break out the old sled, put on those snowshoes, shovel that driveway, etc. Let's see, can I think of any more snow related cliches that I can throw out here :)

In my continuing effort to "keep it real" , I'm actually not going to stay in due to the aforementioned inclement weather. I'm going out on the town, big time tonight. Watch out Manhattan! The Sincoff's (well, at least moi) are comin'!! In all seriousness , there's a friend in from out of town who wants to meet up ... should be good fun

Hey, did anyone else watch the Oscars last night? Is it me, or is Sean Penn just a humorless DICK??? I mean first off, he looked like he just rolled out of bed, 2ndly, why can't he take a joke. I'm sure even Jude Law would say "hey mate, i was in alot of films in 2004, Flippin' 'eck!"... I wish Chris Rock would have gone off on him more...

George W. Bush still sucks, btw.


It's Sunday Night and it's Snowing

It's a good thing I have a day off tomorrow, or I'm was a gonna be pissed off. You would think that G-d would realize that the folks here on earth in the tristate area don't like starting off their workweek w/ snow on the ground. Sigh, what can u do. At least I can sleep late tomorrow.

You know, I've been watching that Celebrity Fit Club. Daniel Baldwin is one nutty guy. I'm not sure what he is on, but have him send some of it my way! He was literally a slurrin' and a blinkin' left and right. I bet he was on the nod big time. It's always good to see a limo driver interviewed as well.

Since I last blogged, Not alot has happened. Valentine's Day came, and went. Vicki treated us to a spa day. That was awesome!! I, in turn treated my dad & his significant other Jan to one down there in Melbourne, Fl. Gotta treat the older generation to something every once in a while.

ok. more later


Post NYE stuff

Happy 2005 everyone. I trust we all made it thru the NYE debacle of where to drink, how much to drink, and how to not get run over by a drunk driver on the way home! We went to dinner in Montclair at this fusion place w/ our pals, The Mulders. It was a pretty good time, as long as we did not discuss politics. They are big Bush-ites, so I could only deal w/ it for so long. All in all, we did not yell at each other that much.......

Not too much else to report for the mo'. Vicki and I are on a health conscious kick. We've been hitting the gym, and not only writing down what we eat in a food diary, we are counting calories as well. Yay healthy Us !.

More later.