
Post Weekend Wind Down

Sorry about the non posting the last  two weeks. Been kinda busy a) preparing for the move to the new house, and b) rocking and dealing w/ the stuff that those in the know  are aware that I'm working on.  I really don't want the world to know. So, feel free to email me offline, and ask.  Perhaps I'll share.  I've always been an open book; however, with the advent of hindsight in my middle age, I realize that this is perhaps not the best recipe to live in the world.  So, I'm learning to keep some of my cards closer to my chest.

We are almost ready to move.  The big move happens on Dec. 8th, next Saturday.  We are moving to our new house, our first house that we have every purchased.  Crazy wild time.  Worked long and hard to get here.  Glad that it's a  funky house, w/ a totally chill backyard. I can really see BBQ's back there, and Wintery Saturdays (like 60 degrees here) that we are all chillaxing, and drinking some sasparillas!!  It's part of the growth process, this house owning thing. I have a wonderful wife in Vicki, who has quite the vision for the new place.  I'm excited to see where it's gonna go.

No fights on HBO this weekend.  We don't have Showtime, so I did not get to see the Miguel Cotto vs. Austin Trout fight. Reports said it was good.  Perhaps Miguel has been in too many wars.  Father Time catches up to all fighters, y'know??  It's always a sad moment. In some cases (David Izon, Daniel Zaragosa) you see the fighter get old IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT.  That is shocking, and very, very, very sad to see the reflexes go.  They can't take a punch any longer, but they still have heard, that's the only thing they have left. Unfortunately, heart doesn't usually win fights.

I'd be remiss in closing w/o mentioning the birthday party of my big boy, Tobin Sincoff. We had 17 Pre School kids and their parents at a trampoline/game place yesterday called Rebounderz. To say that Vicki and I were exhausted after 3hours of kids jumping, screaming, running, and playing skeeball, it would be an uderstatement!!

Happy 4th birthday to coolest 4 yr old in the world, I love you Toby!!


Pre Thanksgiving Musing; shout out to Antonio DeMarco

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since my last update.  I know that is my typical M.O.  I've been working on some stuff that I'm not entirely comfortable w/ sharing in depth on here.  My friends that I speak to on a regular basis know what's going on.  I don't know if there is a "Big Brother" kind of thing or whatever.  I'm probably alll Conspiracy Theorist as I'm a "Red Diaper" Baby... :-)... If you know what's going on, you know. If you're a friend, and you've got some concern about what I'm referencing; give me a call/email/IM. 

Suffice to say I have some clarity, and I've had some "A-HA" moments this week.  It's something that you should always strive for.  I mean, for a long time; I've just kind of kept on truckin'.  Not necessarily in my family life, but in other aspects.  It feels great (challenging) to have a few reflective moments. Good stuff.  I highly recommend it!

I have to quickly mention that I watched both Boxing. and MMA last night. Couple of quick thoughts:  I'm getting VERY old; as I could not stay up for the main event @ UFC 154.  I heard Georges St. Piere vs. Carlos Condit was a match of the year candidate.  I also heard Johny Hendricks' KO of Martin Kampann in 46 seconds of the very first round was pretty incredible too.

Alas, your humble blogger was too tired.  Couldn't hack it.  I saw a few of the undercard fights.  They were pretty good. A lot of decisions.  Nothing that totally stood out that I can comment on.  In short, there seemed to be a couple of Canadian fighters (fights were held up in Montreal) that got clobbered by Non Canadian fighters.  That's the way of the fight game, sometimes. I am not a great sports analyst as I can't stay up past 11:30 anymore, however!

As for boxing,  I caught the Adrien Broner vs. Antonio DeMarco fight. Broner is  a guy from Cincinnatti, Ohio. He's being groomed as "the next big thing".  He comes to the ring w/ a posse, and there is a guy who brushes his hair pre and post fight for him.  As a result, I have a kind of dislike for the asshole.

However, I gotta give props where props are due.  Broner delivered a beating to Antonio DeMarco.  The type of which I have not seen in a long fucking while.  He probably is the next big thing.  He has power, speed, attitude, and can be quite marketable to African American fight fans, much like Floyd Mayweather  has been in the past.

I title this post in part to Antonio because I saw a ton of heart when I caught the replay on HBO this morning.  I have seen it 1,000,000 times in the past.  A tough, tough Mexican fighter; who moves straight in, w/ no movement (head, body, etc.) he will take 6 punches to deliver 1 to the body.  He comes forward, and forward, until he can't do it anymore.  Sometimes, they win, sometimes they don't.  However a fighter  like this guy always makes an entertaining fight, though he is  of linmited talent compared to Broner.

He is an example of why I love Mexican fighters.  Why my Dad used to watched the old LA Forum Fight series on Telemundo/Univision to discover the new Mexican fighters.  Thank you Dad for turning me onto Marco Antonio Barrera, Juan Manuel, and Raphael Marquez, and even Jorge Paez. They did a piece on DeMarco prior to the fight and he said that he grow up homeless, on his on,on the streets of Tijuana.  He used to pick thru garbage cans to find food. He turned pro at 14.

In short, what are you gonna do to a guy like Antonio, or Erik Morales, or anybody from Districto Federale? You gonna hit them?? They have been hit, and stomped all their lives, grew up on the streets, hungry alone, etc.  Hitting them is not gonna stop them.They are going to move forward, and move forward, until they either take you out, or they are gonna get stopped trying.  Just incredible, incredible heart. Heart.

It's for that reason, that I give a shout out to a fighter like this guy DeMarco. Tough as nails,perhaps limited talent, and  almost too much heart, he came forward, and forward until his corner threw in the towel.  I would  watch him 500,000 more times on TV if they put him on.. While he lost the fight, and was outclassed, he's the fighter I'm blogging about tonight.

As far as Thanksgiving is concerned:  It's coming up!! Vicki, Toby and I are getting very excited for the arrival of Mary the Lawyer! She's going to be flying down from Philly on Tuesday.  Vick has her whole menu planned out, and it is a very ambitious one!!  PA Dutch Potato Filling,  Maple Glazed Turkey, Bourbon Glazed Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Potato Biscuits, Oven Roasted Broccoli, and even a maple pecan pumpkin pie are planned for the menu.  Almost too much food! I'm psyched for it.

Psyched to have a "boys" night out at some point w/  my 2 favorite girls too!!! Mary will also be doing the podcast w/ me live on Thanksgiving day for a few!! Good stuff. Sometimes it all falls into place!!



Obama is still a Long Legged Mack Daddy!

Just wanted to get on here really quickly so I can muse for a moment on the election and stuff.  First off, podcast is going well.  I actually own the domain name www.oneguytalkingpodcast.com, so we are on the verge of podcast domination!! Good stuff. Again, gotta say thanks to the people who continue to agree to participate as guests on the show, as well as friends and family who have gone into the chat room, and called in w/ questions.

Now. Onto the election really quickly.  To say it has been an emotional couple of months since my Dad died would be an understatement.  He really wanted to participate in this election. He phone banked w/ me for The Prez ("Ethan, I'm voting for the guy, but this is FUCKING boring"), and we would watch MSNBC together here in Jacksonville, and agree w/ Reverend Al Sharpton as he eviscerated the Republican candidates.

Dad hated Mitt Romney, and was so looking fwd to seeing him go down.

How the night progressed was a testament by how the News builds up a contest.  The Nate Silvers (and Vicki Sincoffs!) of the world had called this for the President by a large margin a long time ago.  However, news needs to sell, especially you are Fox News, right?? You gots to have a race.

In the end, much like Bush did to Kerry, Obama kicked Romney's ass.  Mandate. look at the #'s. "Boo-ya" etc.  If your party refuses to acknowledge demographics (gender, ethnicity, race) as well as make social issues prominent part of your party platform, you will drive any middle of the road Liberals who might even consider voting for you.

Leave Religion for those who lead places of worship on Fri/Sat and Sundays.  It should have no place in contemporary politics.

Looking forward to moving past this day as it's a huge emotional ordeal. Loving the memory of my father. He'd be sooooooooooo laughing at the Conservabots today as they nervously spew excuses on how they miscalled this race, and  Romney's staff FUCKED up so much!

Puts a smile on my face thru the tears.

Oh, and Congrats to President Obama (and the Obama family)!

And into the dustbin of history go Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan!


I swear I'm not Rupert Pupkin, but Kristine Levine is Awesome!

The One Guy Talking Podcast continues to grow and grow. From The Lovely Julie Kedzie, to Metal drummer turned DJ Extrodinaire, DJ Elise, it's been rocking.  I'm totally up for having male guests on, or "People w/ Dicks" as Vicki would say.  I swear I'm totally up for male guests!! Anyone out there w/ schtick, a band, a cause, whatevs....REACH OUT

However, I digress. I've always been a fan of Doug Stanhope for a while. It's seldom you see a comic that is kind of "real", "on edge" etc.  I've really dug his appearances on Stern, and his One Man Show from NYC.... I could less dig his support of Ron Paul, but who am I to kvetch, right? :)

Anyways, I follow Doug on The Twitter.  A couple months ago, he posted an editorial he wrote about this gal, Kristine Levine who was doing a one woman show at The Edinburgh Fringe called "Fat Whore".  Well to begin, first impression was she didn't seem (that) whorish, OR Fat, for that matter! But hey, every comic needs to have a gig as Lenny Bruce once said.

Case in point, this chick is very funny, very feisty, very sweet... very real.

So I reach out to her via her Twitter handle @kristinelevine.  Not expecting a response I said;  "would you do my podcast, here's the link, and I'm not a stalker" Not only did she favorite my tweet, but she agreed to come on the show!!  I was like all "hey, I'm no Joe Rogan, or Kevin Freakin' Smith.  This is something I'm trying to build as a creative hobby as I desparately cling to early middle age LOL.  She was still cool w/ it

Even though we couldn't get Mary The Lawer on to talk sex offender stories vs. porn clerk stories . Though a quote from Mary was "I loved her C*M stories" when we texted after Kristine hung up.  Kristine answered all my questions, and she wasn't bored by my newbie interviewing skills. I DID take notes to prepare

She's a sweetie, and very, very, very patient w/ my King of Comedy like obsession,... I swear I won't tape Jerry Lewis to a chair, Kristine! LOL

She and her buddies Morgan Preston, and Andrew Oullette are doing something called "The Biggest Tour Ever EVER".. Amazing, they are doing 50 cities, 50 states, in 50 days.  There are some f'ng states I have no desire to go to as I think they don't have Jews in them.  However, props to them for bringing some comedy to the hillbilly masses!

They are coming up the East Coast now.  Tallahassee tonight, Savannah, Ga tomorrow, Virginia, Maryland, I think Mary The Lawyer is gonna see 'em in Wilmington, Del.  They play Elizabeth, which is kind of a shithole town, but at least it's next to Newark NJ and they can go to the Ironbound for dinner.

East coast  friends, and readers, go see these 3. They are on an insane journey, but one you got to support.  In this era of shows like "Whitney" and "2 Broke Girls", go see 3 comics that bring it, that are as real as the jobs and lives you left behind when you walked into the bar/venue to see 'em. 

On a side note, I don't think I mentioned it last week, but I gotta give props. As any readers would know, my Dad, who passed away at the end of August made me a huge boxing fan (and I turned him into a huge MMA fan). Well there was a fight on 2 weekends ago, Brandon Rios vs. Mike Alvarado that was one of the most incredible fights I've ever seen.  To say that I reached for the phone to call Dad to ask him if he was watching was an understatement.  I knew he would have dug it.  Both fighters proved that when done  right; boxing is art, poetry , the real deal, passion.

In closing, Thank you Morgan and Andrew and Kristine for being real. Kristine you were very nice hooking me up w/ an interview


Shout out to Julie Kedzie, and Musing on being a new homeowner

I feel bad that I don't post as often as I should here. This blog has helped me go thru many highs, and lows during its' many years of existence.  It's taken me through sucky jobs, and many good things at the same time. A marriage to an awesome, gorgeous chick in Vicki.  A fantastically super smart, handsome little boy in Toby.  A lot of time  has passed since I started this blog. There have been a few years where I have not posted at all/posted very little.  That's a bit of a bummer.  I owe the readers (all 3 of you) a few more posts a month! I'm still gonna shoot to do that!

There is alot, alot, ALOT of groovy news to share.  To begin, Vicki, Toby and I  are now homeowners! We found a funky, brick place in the suburbs, w/ high ceilings, 3 bedrooms, and a KOI POND in the back yard.  It's a hyooge step in my emotional growth.  I'm very scared. However, it seems like we can do it!!  Not seems, but it's an actual reality. I'm looking fwd to having our own place. One that we can put our personal stamp on, and enjoy.  You gotta see the community we are moving into. I know it may seem weird to fall in love w/ a house AND the community pool (w/ killer water slide) that is around it, but that is the case!

Very excited about the house!!  Scared but excited.  I don't know if my Dad would be proud, or think we are crazy.  However, we seem to have all of our ducks in a row!  Fingers crossed on the inspection going well this week!

As far as The One Man Talking Podcast is concerned, it's going very very well.  You know it's amazing. While I LOVE boxing, and MMA, I don't envision my show to be a sports podcast. That's been done/is being done by very talented people like Mauro Ranallo, Ariel Helwani, etc.  I talk about stuff (politics, humor, life, MMA, Boxing, love, family, etc.) that I'm interested in.  I've reached out to alot of celebs, actors, authors, (Damien Echolls, Ray Banks) to come on the show, and hang out. The only people to come on have been in the MMA world.

And now, as far as my great guest was concerned:

I was very fortunate that the lovely Ms. Julie Kedzie was nice enough to come on the show, and promote In Victa Fighting Championships 3, where she was doing the announcing for that show. I have been a fan since the Gina Carano fight. We'd chatted a few times via Twitter, and she couldn't have been a nicer gal (though she did get mad at me when I kind of dissed Nick Diaz, but that's another story lol )  I envisioned the interview as this: everyone in the fight world knows she's awesome, that she kicks butt. That she trains hard; and that she is a member of Team Jackson-Winkeljohn.

However, did the general public know that she is very fetching ("easy on the eyes"!) and funny and whip smart? I dunno, but that's the angle I wanted to show in this interview.  Julie seemed to have fun. We talked about everything from MMA, to David Bowie (we both dressed as him for Halloween!) to dogs and cats! It was a blast. I thank Jules for her time!  In fact, she has 3 new fans. 2 people called me and said "Hey I'm totally watching her fights from now on", as well as a friends' 9 yr old daughter said Julie was her hero!  :)

So, Thanks Julie! I encourage everyone to support her sponsors! If you're in New Mexico, support Jackson-Winkeljohn MMA,  peruse her sponsors page, and buy t-shirts, and browse the websites that are linked on her sponsors page!

Who knows, maybe sometime that Mary The Lawyer and I do  a segment called "Is it legal or illegal?!?!" on the podcast, we may get some callers from the MMA world of Albq on the phone!!


First Show!

Well, the first show of The One Guy Talking Podcast is now in the books.  I actually did an outline, and some show preparation!  I had the inimitable Amy Barton (@amesbelle) of Punch Drunk Radio Fame.  Amy was an awesome guest, and she hung in there, answered my questions, and we even reviewed UFC 152.  I'm actually watching UFC 152 as I type this!!!

The best part of the interview is when I said "Amy, don't some fights have a visceral affect in you?  Don't you associate where you were, and what you were up to when a certain fight happened?  I have suuuuuuuch a visceral attachment to Boxing/MMA." Amy, straight shooter that she is; paused and said:  "Um, No.".... LOLOLOL Awesome guest. Amy, you can come back anytime! Please listen to her show shout out to @PunchDrunkMMA, and MMA Diehards (mmadiehards.com, @mmadiehards).

I learned a few things after doing my first show.  I have a total, TOTAL profound respect for what Howard Stern does now.  Try talking for an hour (And Howards does it for 4 or so hrs), and try being interesting.  .  I felt the hour flew by. I was able to make some laughs, talk about a s port that I loved, and my guest did not hang up the phone in anger/fear!!!!

In all seriousness, it was a great experience.  It's awesome to have a hobby.  If it's boring, or interesting, it's my hobby, and I'm gonna try to do this for real, very very seriously.

It was just groovy to have a bit of a laugh, Amy was really ready to mix it up, and roll w/ it. It was great!!!

Aside from doing the podcast, we've beeing trying to be happy, and progress past my Father's passing.  As the shock turns to sadness, and some regret.I realize how quiet the world is w/o him.  Each boxing/mma match I have seen since he passed away, I almost reach for the phone to call him, to see if he is watching.. :)


Been away for a while

Sorry I've been out of touch for a while. My Dad passed away suddenly 2 weeks ago.  It's been horrible, and a whirlwind.  Not to give too much information out, but he was not answering the door, so I kicked the door in, and found him...

We found him Thursday night, and by Monday, we were flying to NJ, and the funeral was last Tuesday.  Back to Jax Tuesday night.  Back to work yesterday. Reality and quiet are slowly starting to creep back in.

How do you sum up a life? I don't know.  He was a good Dad, difficult at times, but a loyal friend.  I would want no other guy in my corner than him.  Just a good Father, Grandfather, Husband, Cousin, Uncle (even Father-in-law).

I said my tribute at the funeral, so I don't want to blab on and on. He set such a high standard for Liberalism, and equality in my family.  A earlieNew Deal Democrat, who first voted for Harry Truman; I was proud to see his transformation from someone haunted by the 1960's (like many of his generation) to a true observer of the inequalities in America --- those in its' Ivory Towers, and those that are down in the trenches and fighting.

There was no bigger doubter of Big Business, Republicans, and the Right Wing War Machine.  He learned from some of his mistakes in the past (support of the Vietnam War, Barry Goldwater, etc), and evolved into a true Populist Liberal, one who even accompanied me to campaign for President Obama this Summer.

He wasn't always right, but he was a kind and gentle man, a good man. Someone who inspired a lifetime love of reading, and education in me (maybe not Excel or Powerpoint) that I will pass onto Tobin.

He taught me a love of boxing, and I, taught him a love of MMA.  I do know that I would not have a special love for the careers of Marco Antonio Barrera, and Erik Morales if it were not for him :)

I can not exagerate the crystal clear memories I have of watching some fights from my home in Jersey City/Madison/Rockaway and getting a phone call from Melbourne Fl.  The volume on the TV would be way turned up, and Dad would go "ARE YOU WATCHING THIS!?!?!?"

Either I was drunk on Avenue A, and I was taping it, or I was sitting my ass in front of the TV, and watching it!!

So, in the end, thanks Dad for letting me grow into a decent man, Husband and Father. I've learned a lot, and will not forget you.


Post Modern and stuff

Kiddies, I just may be getting into the post modern age here!! I just may be soon continuing to do this blog, but also switch to a podcast type deal.  I've found a website that hosts such thangs (for free, which rocks!) . I've found a VOIP phone thingy w;/ which I can call into the show from the computer.  Exciting stuff.  I'm still testing, and testing some more.  I have to get a headset and microphone, and then we will pretty much be rocking and rolling.  Good X.  The cool thing is that this is my hobby, and it's been a while since that has happened.

So, anybody who reads this, if you have a cause, issue, band etc. you want to promote, please reach out to me.  Once everything is movin' and groovin', we will set something up! I'm psyched.  I'm sure it will be awful and awful even more.  What can you do, y'know? There is no agenda, just me; much like the intention of this blog that I started some 7 yrs ago.     I am not looking for a book deal (although, publishers....), I'm not looking for notoriety. I'm just looking to be me.  If I can get on here, and make myself laugh, or think; then I'm doing a good thing!! y'know what I mean?

Great weekend!  The fam' came home from  PA. Soooooo great to see 'em! Missed both Bick and T big time!! Got some Thai food on Friday night, and Saturday; took T to the pool.  When did he learn to float on his back!?! Crazy! Bick made 2 great vegan indian meals Sat and Sun nights too.  Great great weekend.

Oh, and when I told Toby that Daddy was going to do an Internet Radio Show, he asked if Elmo can call in!  See, not even four, and he is looking to call in favors to get ahead in show biz!! LOLOL


Swingin' Bachelor!

Before you guys get idea(r)s, NO, this is not  permanent thing!! :)  V, T and I had the utmost pleasure in hosting The Divine Ms. N. for a long weekend.  K and V had a blast doing girls stuff (Not that  kind of stuff, dirty bird!) like massages and Girls' Dinner night.  In a period of magnanimousness, I offhandedly said: "Hey why don't you take T and go up to see your mother?' to V... Well, lo and behold, some 24 hours later,  I'm sitting here in my apartment, dressed in gym shorts, and a Fountains of Wayne T-Shirt, and Mimi The Cat is just staring at me vacantly, as I sit here typing on a laptop that needs some serious keyboard repair.

So, It's not very rock n' rolly right now, alas.  I'm still keeping it real, real quiet unfortunately! LOL. Just talked to V, she and T are already in Virginia for the night they did good time!  I'm still counting down the days until they come back.  It is ACHINGLY quiet in this house!! :(

Some points to ponder:  1) I don't think Brandon Vera has ANYTHING to be ashamed of in his loss to Shogun in the UFC on Fox on Saturday.  However, there are only SO many "A loss is a win" type scenarios that i can grant.  People who have a ton of heart, but lose fights, are still losing those fights. Win next time, Brandon!  2) Been trying to keep it real, and do the job at the work thang of late.  Been keeping it real.  Not as real as some coworkers that may be near me (insert snarkiness), but pretty gosh darn real.  Keeping  true to my own style of course.  3) Blown away by the fact that it is the weekend already!  4)  I have exciting news about my father, which will soon enough be its' own blog posting. Suffice to say that he has accepted my encouragement in embracing the digital dating age !:)

Finally, several colleagues have been on vacation this week..  Blessed silence at work. No Yenta-ing!! No critiquing of phone call etiquette delivered w/ a genteel southern accent! You almost don't want Monday to arrive! 



I think that I am done w/ Louie

Louis C.K. as Woody Allen?
I started out watching Louis C.K.'s show on FX w/ alot of excitement. Both V and I LOVED Louie.  We'd laugh at C.K's on screen version of himself, his exploits, and his fascination w/ the way the urban cowboys and cowgals who live in NYC live on a day to day basis.  For me, the core of the show was Louie trying to juggle being a Dad, a comedian, and someone who is neurotic all in one jittery, confused bundle of energy.

Critics of course, dug the show.  After all, it was funny!! However,  somewhere along the way, I feel C.K. lost his direction, or started to believe his own press clippings.  It, (the show) got indulgent, and forgot what what made it so good: it was incredibly funny in a subversive way.  It began to forget comedy, and head towards something else.  I have nothing w/ episodes that are serious. Comedies can transition to "Dramedies" from time to time,after all.

We'd watch an episode where Doug Stanhope announced he was going to commit suicide.  Ok, fine.  then, an episode where Louie had his niece move in w/ him when his sister wasn't qualified enough to care for her daughter.  Neither of these interesting storylines were ever mentioned again.  The show just began to seem less about comedy, and more about New York City, and the isolation someone who lives there can feel.  In 2 words: No Laughing.

This is all territory that other filmakers have attempted;  this is not new ground.  V would turn to me and say :  "We better start laughing soon.  I appreciate what he's doing, but I want to laugh while watching this show."  I think the  end came for the Sincoff's with this past episode.

In it, we get Louie developing a bromance w/ a Cuban lifeguard.  He promptly takes Louie on a tour of a "hidden" Miami, one that is far, far removed from the glitz of South Beach.... Needless to say it's picturesque, needless to say Louie learns to love a different  Miami.  However, there was not one laugh in the whole thing.  It's sad, because I think Louis C.K. is an incredible comedian, but if someone can have TOO ambitious a show it's this one.  C'mon Louie, start making me laugh again! 


You really shouldn't mess with Anderson Silva

So, there  was a little PPV over the  weekend.  Did anyone see it?  Not only was it the greatest marketing tactic of all time, it was pretty exciting soap opera.  Chael  Sonnen, who is a fighter from Oregon, hapened to do decently against the Spider 2 years ago, before choking big time in the Fifth and final round.  He choked big time.  After bitching and kvetching for months about how sucky Anderson was, lo and behold there was right winger Sonnen tapping like a BITCH to a triangle choke.

Fast forward some 2 years, and Sonnen has been on a non stop campaign to get another fight.  We had the rematch last night.  Would Silva be able to hold off the tough fighter from Oregon?  Was he getting old?  Did Sonnen indeed have his number?

The answers were: 1) Of course 2) No f'ng way and 3) The answer was for sure that Sonnen had no one's digits.  The end was quick, and brutal.  It involved a solid knee to the body and some killer ground and pound.

Fighters get old almost overnight, ad you gots to look at the Tito Ortiz and Forrest Griffin to see 2 shot fighters.  However, Silva is clearly an athlete that is at the top of his game.  Why would sonnen chase him for two years, and make  fun of Brazil, his family, his wife??  I just don't get why you would piss off an elite fighter so that he would want to beat you badly!

Like any elite fighter, Anderson took one round to figure Sonnen out, and then just erased him in the 2nd.  It was a clear example of how you should NOT wake up a sleeping giant!!!

From a weekend standpoint, it was pretty good.  Spent alot alot of time at the pool.  T is reallly learning to swim big time.  Good stuff.  T also might be a budding rapper as he is running around yelling "Here we go, here we go, yo; so what the  scenario, yo?"

Pool party today.  Pretty ok stuff.  Still looking to meet some peeps. We shall see. Just had the lovely Susannah visiting from NYC. Awesome to see her.  Too short a visit.

So, loving the vibe here in the Flo-Rida.  Still hoping to click w/ folks. Hoping I'm not driving those near and far too crazy!?!


The friend at the Party who doesn't overstay their welcome

I don't mean to seem over the top, but I've been pondering this thought  for quite a while.  The RV Destruction scene in "Breaking Bad" may very well be the most gorgeous scene ever captured on film for American television.  From the killer song "He Venido" by Los Zaffiros (Breathtaking, JUST Breathtaking, truly shows that you don't need to know a language to dig tunes), to the cinematography, the scene blows me away every time I watch it.

 I'm not sure if it is just the song (which prooves, much like Scorcese told us for a long time, that music captures, and enhances film.  It adds a visceral element) or just the way the director, John Shiban perfectly captures the colors of the New Mexico desert.  (and I could not find the finale "Sunset" scene w/ Gus and Tuco's cousins, which is just as stunning.),  All I know is that I can watch that scene again, and again and again. 

I can watch "Breaking Bad" over and over again.  Both Bickaboo and I are HYOOGE fans of the show.  Each season (ESPECIALLY after the "Cousins" season) I say "there is NO that this show can top itself. It continually has.  You have to tip your hat to creator Vince Gilligan,and the actors in the show: Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, and the other performers on the show.  The writing has stayed crisp, the acting is still amazing, and the storylines have continued to keep you on edge.

So, it is with great anticipation, as well as great sadness that I await the premier of season 5 on July 15th.  Vince Gilligan has announced that this is the shows' last season.  When asked why (the acting, and writing are still fresh and vital) he said "we didn't want to be the friend at the party who overstaed their welcome". What a great way to put it, right?  So many other great shows ("Homicide" and "True Blood" come to mind) hang in there for far, far too long.  The audience that watches these shows become disheartened, bummed out. The legacy of the show becomes tarnished.

So, while I will miss Walter White, Jesse Pinkman (AND GUSTAVO FRING!) and company; I realize that it is for the best.  The creator, cast, writers and directors created something magical.  A show that I truly feel is a landmark in American television.  So, while I am indeed sad for the end of this party, it is with excitement that I look to this season, as the culmination of the wild, wild ride Walter White has taken us into the dark areas of the human psyche.

How will the show resolve itself? Will Walt's cancer return, or will he meet his downfall some other way? Will Jesse find redemption and peace?  I just can't wait to find out!


I blog when there are lame UFC PPV's on

There is no bigger MMA fan than I.  I have been watching the sport since the pre Dana White historionics, and early Spike TV craziness. I remember watching Pride Fighting Championships on PPV from Japan. On a Sunday night, w/ John and Dina Shingleton, w/ Vicki...  So, I write from authority when I say that I truly love the sport (much like I love boxing), and I watch ALOT of ppv's. However, I am not watching the PPV tonight from Brazil that the UFC is putting on.

The reasoning I have is as follows:  to begin, I like sitting every other PPV out.  I usually go by the credo of 3 fights deep.  In other words, is the main event great? Cool. Is the Co-main event great? Awesome.  What about the 3rd fight, is it appealing?  If it is, you may have a done deal as far as viewing a PPV is concerned when it comes to my opinion. Usually that's my hard and fast rule.

However, the card in Brazil tonight, just does not do anything for me.  It's not that I don't know the majority of the names on the card.  That's fine.  I've discovered alot of great fighters in both the boxing and MMA worlds by just giving 'em a chance and digging them.  I can't do it w/ this card.

Simply put, I love Wanderlei Silva.  Not only is Vicki's "ugly boyfriend", he is a great guy. NO OTHER fighter has kept it as real as he has in the ring.  I remember watching videos of his fights in Japan... he was utterly devastating.  Unfortunately, a great fighter always gets old. With age, goes the chin.   Wanderlei can't take a punch anymore.  He probably should have quit fighting a long time ago.  Sad.  Can't watch him. Don't want to get bummed out :(

It has been a good weekend.   Took Toby to Sweet Pete's . It's an organic chocolate place, down in the "hipster" Springfield neighborhood.  An author read a book about puppy dogs, which T gave a standing ovation!! He then had a chance to create his own chocolate lollipop.  Of course, it was very appropriately fashioned to look like a Golden Retriever!  Toby promptly fell asleep on the ride home!! He hasn't even eaten his creation yet! Can ya believe it!?


The Green Lantern, and other life lessons

I don't mean to always speak in code when it comes to my professional life.  However, I feel that "the walls have eyes" down here in Jacksonville, much more so than in New Jersey.  It's just one of those regional differences that I've touched on from time to time.  Hey, you roll w/ it, right?  You suck it up, giggle a bit about it, and just refer to things, as "it" and "the thing" and "the deal".... and stuff like that!

I gots to start this blog posting by talking about the recent brouhaha regarding The Green Lantern and his coming out.  DC Comics made this decision; to bring one of their major characters out of the closet, and into the forefront of comic hero's.  All in all, not such a hyoooge deal, right?  Just another day at the office for a superhero that is busy spending his day fighting crime, and making sure that the earth is safe from evil doers...

Well, boy was I (not) surprised to hear some of the ol' workplace folks to react w/ furor over DC Comic's decision to bring this character out of the closet.  "Nature vs nurture" and other assorted phrases were tossed out.  Sigh, not very Progressive, right?

Look, I'm not a geneticist, nor I a shrink.  I'm just a Workin' Joe (The Plumber, right!?), I'm not a  politician either.  However, I do remember Matthew Shepard, and what happened to him.  He was a gay kid, who was beaten to death just for being different.

My take on the whole Green Lantern thing is this: It is a good thing. Plain and simple.  Much like The Huxtable family was some of "Flyover Country" America's first introduction to a  nuclear Black family whose members were all professionals, or students; this may very well be the same demographic's introduction that there is a guy (w/ a partner, they are monogamous, in a marriage) who just happens to be gay, but also fights crime, and makes the world a better place as best as he can.

Maybe the same folks who may have never (knowingly) met a gay person before can read The Green Lantern Series, and think "Hey, gay people are people just like me, just like black kids, or Jewish kids, or Chinese Kids". 


Talking with the Taxman About Poetry (or the difficult post for this week)

So, I'm trying to update his blog more often.  I think that I'm achieving that goal sloowly but surely.  I'm finding it very cathartic to just put my thoughts down here.  Not for anyone else, not for notoriety, or for shock, or for whatever. Just for me.  Kind of interesting for me to say that, right??  I don't know why that it should be a big deal that I'm doing this just for me, but I am.  Truly. In no way do I want to get a reality show out of this.  Or get more followers or anything.  If I get 0 web "traffic" or if I get a skadillion hits, it's all groovy.

Now, to get something off of my chest:

Not to point fingers, but I have to wonder out loud: is "THIS" (life)  all about making money? 

I mean,$ is great and all....  I love my UFC PPV's as much as the next guy.  However, shouldn't someone be into making the world a better place, or trying to enact social change in the exact way that they want it?  I don't get it.....

 No matter what side of the political spectrum that you may lie on.... BE INVOLVED. I don't get this sort of slovenly, laissez faire kind of lifestyle and belief(s)  Stand up for something..... Why not? I'm not even talking about Republican or Democrat..... believe in your beliefs, and fight for them.  You can make change. All it takes is a little passion.

Again, not Left or Right Wing. Just empowerment.  Those who do not get involved in the process of changing the way the country gravitates politically are doomed to just endure, and grit their teeth

' Cos you can't be a beast if you are not fighting, boyee.


Old People! What's up w/ them!!!?

It's Saturday.  Having a really really really nice day. The family and I went on a nice hike. Toby dug it.We checked out butterflies,AND the St. John's River. You can't beat that, right?  I wish we  had time to explore more of the area; Castaway Island Preserve.  Pretty cool place. Pretty awesome to get away from The City, and not even leave the city!!
So, on to old people...(or should I say, "old person").  For ages, and ages, my Dad has been saying "let me take you out to Dinner".... "I want to take you out to Dinner"....  "You always treat me , why can't I take you to Dinner?" etc.etc.etc.  Nice sentiment.. Right??   A true passing of the torch, of one generation, a member of "The Greatest Generation" reaching out to a younger, perhaps less accomplished bunch of peeps.     
Dad, that sounds like a great idea!! Where do you want to go... some new Jacksonville hotspot? Some hip, underground off the beaten path bistro??...

Nope... I want to go to The Olive Garden....  Um..... what??? :)  Out of  all the restaurants.... from classic cuisine type places, to family type places.... THAT'S where you wnt to go???
I guess that Dad wanted, because that is where I just found myself eating  on a Saturday night.  In fact, ONE Olive Garden was so busy, and we were unable to get into it to eat... SO we drove 15 minutes to go to ANOTHER Olive Garden!!  Gotta love it right? The food was edible, and it was fine... however I don't need to go to another one for another 15 years or so....  Once you hit the age of 15 or so.. I don't have the desire to hit a chain restaurant!!

Not to mention that on the way to the car; Dad had long sleeve jacket on.... It was not exactly arctic temperatures outside! It was 90 degrees outside, and my Pops has a jacket on....man, where is the glamor, the excitement, the "Gravitas" of growing older?? I certainly don't see it...

I'm not saying that I wan't to die young exactly; I'm just saying that I think only Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis,Jr. got growing older down pat. Yeah, they didn't take care of themselves; but they kept their fashion sense, and hipness to the end.

I bet they never even stepped foot in an Olive Garden, btw:)


The week of the Tummy Flu

Greetings. I write to you on Sunday.  Today is literally the first day I've been able to get out of bed and do anything remotely human!  It has been a tough, tough week in the Sincoff household!!  I usually like to state proudly (and loudly)  that we really keep it retty real up in this hizzouse over here.  Alas, this week has not been the case for The Sincoff's!

Well, to start, Mr.T  came down w/ this ghastly tummy thing that knocked him out for like, maybe one day.  Monday morning comes around, and I get up all nice, and how do ya do. I leave Vick w/T and I'm like "see ya" in a Don Draper kind of Monday way (minus the scotch, nice suits, cigarettes, and other stuff, of  course)  .... I left V to it, to be a trooper, and the super ma' that she truly is!

In the back of my mind, I'm goin' "Geeze, this does not bode well for my clan"... And then, being the brilliant sort that I am... I pushed that thought out of my mind.  Silly ol' me!  I should have factored the logical equation of : Toddler + Preshool = Tummy Bug that can totally destroy 2 parents!! I am so naive like that, y'know??!

Well, V, got sick first on Tuesday night. I can honestly say that I was truly,truly worried about her! I've never seen ANYONE get as sick as she did that night.  For her to ask me to stay home on Wednesday to take care of T... is a true testament to the fact that the wasn't feeling well. On Wed, I got T. up, got him dressed, took him to PreSchool, picked him up,took him to lunch and the playground to give Vick some time to chill.

Little did I know what was in store for me......

I get up and off to work on Thursday, no problem. I'm doing my work, and staying out of trouble (woo hoo!)!  However, about 2pm, the tide begins to turn...  I literally felt myself getting ill...I could feel all sorts of yucky stuff build and build up :(  Yet, trooper that I was, I did not get out of work early (to be fair, I had a conference call that I had to be on w/ my boss).

Thursday into Friday were horrible for me. I hope I was not THAT miserable!!  Saturday I began to feel  better (AND WE GOT A KITTY CAT!!! ANOTHER BLOG POST ON THAT SOON!) , and today, while sore, I'm about 75% Regular Ethan....  In fact,as an FYI, Jon "Bones"Jones fought Rashad Evans last night,and I did not even watch The UFC!! THAT's how sick I was :-P LOLOL

Oh well,finally back to normal(ish), right?!


Yo! I is a bad poster! Or, why I'm not The Bloggess

I always say that I'm going to post more and more.  I never do!  It's not that I don't want to post.. I LOOOOOOOOVE my blog, and some of the stuff that I have put on here over the years.  It's just that w/ the responsibilities of father/husband-hood, and trying to do well at my job:  I don't get inspired alot to write on here!  I wish I could be The Bloggess. I'd love to turn my musings (confusion!?) about growing older, being a Dad, and my love of boxing, and mma into something lucrative!!!  However, one has to dance the dance that brung ya!!

Alot has been going on in the few weeks since I last was here. To begin with, in the wacky world of mma, there is a bit of controversy.  Allistair Overeem, who was going to fight in the main event of the next UFC ppv,  just tested positive for steroids.  He had been plagued for years by rumors of performance enhancing drugs.  Alot of his fights in the past have taken place in Japan.  They are not as stringent in testing for performance enhancing drugs.  The dopey "schlub" had a testosterone level of 14:1, a normal level for a guy is 4:1, and the Nevada State Athletic Commission allows a level of 6:1!!

For a guy who can speak English,and that can "pop" a crowd, to fall like that is just amazing!!  I mean he just sent Brock Lesnar back to the WWE ("real" fighting retirement!) and his career was at an all time high... what a fall from grace!!

On the home front.... my Dad is now living a couple of buildings down.  To say that he is a challenge, is an understatement!  As I get older, I realize more and more how much of a social filter my mom was for him.  There just seems to be a bit of a disconnect sometimes w/ him! He's my Dad, and I love him.... but sometimes, I wish he was farther away!!

Work is work... what can you do??!  Don't hate it, at least. Still waiting on seeing what is up w/ the new organization!! We shall see :)


So, what's the dili-yo with this?

It's crazy. I'm sitting here at this computer, and I am finally updating my blog. First one of 2012 and all that! I have found that trying to estalish myself in my new(ish) job, and being husband and Dad are not truly conducive to an embracement of "new media"!!However, now that I'm back on the blogging scene, I will make a point of doing this regularly. 4 months is far too long to be from something I truly dig. Couple of points to leave you with: sergio martinez is the man!! Great fight against macklin People here are really Conservative :) (one struggle at a time, comrades!! Loving my family big time! It's truly an honor to see what kind of mother and wife Vicki is Tobin is just A-mazing! Dad moved up here. It's been a challenge! We need to getsoe sort of auxiliary keyboard! All of the keys are falling off!!!