The Baby and the Bathwater
One more thing about UFC 92
So, in honor of that, enjoy this awesome video clip I found from Japanese TV featuring Wandersilva vs. Rampage Jackson #1!!
I'm usually not a techno fan. However the music is SOOOOO appropriate. Dig how many knees my man The Axe Murderer hits Rampage with at the end of this fight! Hang in there, it is worth it!!
Well Ho Ho Ho Everybody!
Well, my Dad left on Tuesday morning. He got home safe and sound. It was great to have him, and just as great to drop him off. My therapist was very apt in saying that "hey this isn't the early 1900's on NY's Lower East Side. This isn't some Schtetyl in Russia. You don't have to live on top of your parents. You have to do for you & your immediate family. Let your Dad make his own way". Some good food for thought, I think.
On a different note, my in-laws, Galen and Shirley arrived today. It's a totally different scene having in-laws over, as opposed to your Dad. They are great house guests (and I'm not just saying that because they may read this). It was very sweet to see how doting Tobin's Grandma and Grandpa were to him!! Galen makes a mean Christmas ham as well!!!
We checked out the lovable "Fred Claus" w/ Paul Giamatti and Vince Vaughn on On Demand tonight as a family. What a groovy Christmas film. I dig VV, and Paul G. I think that Vince has a natural effortless way of performing. I hope that he pushes himself in some of his roles in the future. He can do more!
I'm psyched to see UFC 92, "Ultimate" on PPV Saturday night. My old buddy Mike "The Man" C. (don't know if he wants his last name posted on here) will be visiting us that night here in Madison to watch the fights with me. Our (Vicki and I) friend Susannah may be coming in from Brooklyn as well. However, she's no mma fan. She is coming in more of a "let's see the baby" spirit. Oh, and let's also see Vicki and Ethan" mindset. This is totally groovy, BTW.
The PPV card has several KILLER fights. This is the UFC's "big" "special end of the year card from Las Vegas. It's ironic, because Vicki, Dad and I attended last year's big end of year card. The big fights on the card:
Forrest Griffin is gonna defend his light Heavyweight title against Rashad Evans. Wanderlei "The Axe Murderer" Silva is gonna go against Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (for the 3rd time!) and Frank Mir is going to go for the interim Heavyweight Title against Antonio Rodrigo "Minotauro" (KILLER NICKNAME!) Nogueira.
Seeing 2 of the best Ju Jitsu ground fighters at Heavyweight in Nogueira and Mir go at it will be awesome. They both were on "The Ultimate Fighter" this year on Spike TV. Mir came off as cocky, but cool. Nogueira came off as possibly one of the nicest guys ever. I did Mir's backstory in that he was Heavyweight champ, and suffered a catastrophic leg injury while on his motorcycle (he was hit by a car). He was lucky to even survive, let alone fight at an elite level. It's quite an achievement for him to come back, even. I do not know who I will be rooting for the night of the show...
Frank was half of one of my most vivid fight memories. In the Heavyweight title fight in June 2004 against Champion Tim Sylvia, something happened that is still etched in my memory. Sylvia was going to slam Mir, and Mir threw his legs up, and got Sylvia in a perfect arm bar. You literally see the arm pulse w/ the pressure, and then snap!! The ref started screaming and stopped the fight!!! Sylvia didn't even know, and he still wanted to fight. Even though his arm was hanging at a weird angle.
On that note, let me share that video with you, enjoy!
The Return of Murder Incorporated!
Sigh, I hope it was not about the cost of groceries, or some such foolishness like that....For the rest of the work day, I'm a gonna think what could have set off the friction? In-laws man, it's a difficult scene. They produced a wonderful son/daughter that you married. However, the In-laws themselves can be freakalicious!! Am I right, all of my married pals out there??
My Father is visiting his Grandson!
Friday was wack because I went to work at gnirreF, and by the time I got out of one pointless meeting, the company was cancelling the day already due to the snowfall!! So, no one has to tell me 2x, right? I jumped into our trusty car to go home to spend time w/ Tobe, Dad and Vicki. However, Vick calls saying that a breast pump was on hold for her at the Post Partum Place.
Of course I went to pick it up. Main Street from Madison into Chatham was a parking lot. This is how great a husband, and Dad I am: I parked my car in the snow at the CVS, and walked over a mile to get Vicki's breast pump!! How cool am I??? I hope that future Dad's and Husbands can come accross this blog at some point, and seek out my advice here!!
Dad also took us out for a great breakfast, and then we went to Toyota of Morristown to check out new cars. Regular visitors here will know that our Oldsmobile (or "OldsmoBuick" as Fletch would say) sucked balls, and died 2 weeks ago. Well, lo and behold, we went into the dealership, and did well. My Ma and Pa raised a really heavy handed Goniff, because I got us a decent lease price for a new Corolla!!
To top it off, I'm on my 2nd Jack Daniels & Ginger (for medicinal purposes), and we just saw a unique Holocaust Drama called The Counterfitters. It was totally gripping, it tells the tale about this Jewish con man in Berlin in the 1930's, of course he's a counterfitter, and runs a nightclub. Well the Nazi's come into power, and the "Final Solution" begins. He gets sent to a "special" camp to help with the German War Effort. I don't want to give away too much here. However, if you want to check out another side of the Holocaust, give this movie a chance. I think some of the performances were haunting. It also further adds to my extremely low opinion of Germany!! :-)
I want to leave you with this great picture. Look how much Tobin is copying his Daddy here!! All of that stressing about the Obama Campaign in utero can drive a newborn nuts, I tell ya!!
Tobin Samuel Sincoff Rocks like a Hurricane!!!
I'm waiting on my Man!!
How CUTE is that Pout???!?
More baby news and Chinese Democracy!
I would be lame if I did not put down my .02 regarding the new Guns N'Roses album, "Chinese Democracy". I've been a fan of G n'R since 11th Grade when JoAnn Kosiak came into home room to tell me that she had gone to see this punk metal band at the (now defunct) Ritz @ 4th and Broadway in NYC. JoAnn always rocked like that.
Well, I listened, and listened to "Appetite for Destruction". There was an urgency, and a sense of the unknown to the bluesy based metal that I heard for the first time on that disc. It still holds up today in 2008. I remember digging their acoustic "Lies" album.. then in 1992, towards the end of my time at Temple University, "User Your Illusion Versions 1 and 2" finally were released simultaneously.
They were classics. You could tell that the band was attempting to stay based in glam punk metal, and broaden their musical palette. They pulled it off amazingly well.
Of course, years passed, and all the other members of the band left. W. Axl Rose was the only remaining member. "Chinese Democracy" has been promised in one way, or another since 1998 or so. People felt that it was never going to be released. Axl would be some sort of joke, who never left his mansion, and he would be the J.D. Salinger of Rock Music.
The album was being worked on , and then reworked. Buckethead joined, and left. Tommy Stinson from the Replacements, and Robin Finck from Nine Inch Nails joined.
Well, the album finally came out on November 23. I preordered it from Best Buy
Initially, you listed to it,and you say "wow, why did this take 15 years?". However, after you put those emotions aside, and actually listen to the tracks. From the opening title song, to songs like "Better", "Catcher in the Rye", "Sorry" and "IRS", the musicianship, the lyrics, and the vocals are unbeatable. This album rocks with an urgency, and a passion that I've not heard in quite some time. It truly is a work of art. Honestly.
As someone who has battled ups and downs, I can kind of relate, in a way what Axl has gone through on the rocky road to making this album. All I can say is that I knew this album would eventually come out. It is amazing, and I' m so psyched for him. Congrats, Axl! I hope the next album comes out sooner!
December 4th is Quickly Approaching
Vicki and I kept it so real this past weekend. Our friends Abby and Andy & their little boy Aidan came over to help us with the nursery. Andy and I put the crib together in under an hour!
Aidan did a great job of supervising! He was a real task master. However, Andy and I managed to pull it off:
I love this particular pic. We're doing a jungle theme for Tobe's room, and this was very appropriate, and sooo awesome that Vicki found it on Ebay:
More pictures will follow very soon!! I have to go to bed now. On a different note, stay tuned for my Farewell notes on "The Shield"..... and speaking of "The Jungle"! I will be reviewing Guns n Roses "Chinese Democracy" very, very soon!!!
Sometimes You Can't Beat Father Time
So many other fights, Randy has managed to turn back time, and look like a fighter decades younger than his real age. This fight was different. Brock was too big, and too fast. First off, it is a crime that a guy who is the size of a truck, like Brock Lesnar can cut from like 300lbs to make the Heavyweight limit of 265lbs. By fight time, he probably rehydrated to 285 or 300!!! Randy was 6'2" and 220, and solid, but it looked like he was fighting a cartoon character.
I always feel bad when I see a fighter that I really admire who hangs in there too long, and takes a ferocious beating. Dina said Randy got hit on the ground like 40 times too many. Too bad the referee did not jump in sooner to stop the fight.
It looks like Brock is gonna be a force to be reckoned with in the Heavyweight division. I still feel that the verdict is still out on him as a total fighter, however. Could he beat Nogueira? Can he beat Mir in a rematch? We will see. Until that point, congrats to you, Champ. The "Next Big Thing" has arrived!!
Even now, when there is a fight on TV, be it MMA or boxing, and there is a fighter who is past his prime who gets beat, our phone rings. It is always my dad, and he goes "Ethan they NEVER learn... You can't beat Father Time. They Never get it." It's sad. I can count on one hand the # of boxers who hung it up when they were on top. MMA is still a newish sport, so I can't speak for those fighters. Poor Randy, I hope you are ok, and keeping your chin up! Concentrate on training fighters, and doing your charitable work for returning Veterans w/ head injuries. You've done alot, there is no need to get into that Octagon again.
On a happier note, the Sincoff Nursery is starting to look awesome!! We managed to purge alot of stuff, to clean out the 2nd bedroom to make it nursery ready!! Also, Vicki put down a cool looking rug, and hung lot's of cool jungle themed stuff on the walls!! I especially like the giraffe picture that says "Tobin's Jungle"!! It's the best.
December 4th is coming before we know it!! Vicki and I went to a breastfeeding class at St. Barnabas hospital the other night!! Not that I plan on doing any breastfeeding. It was fascinating to see how to feed your child correctly!! I can't wait to participate and help Vicki out in any way I can!!!
Moving Right along here
Our good friend Susannah came over this weekend to help us work in the Nursery for Mr.T. It was awesome to see her, and she was such a help. She seems really at peace, and full of hell!! I think she is in a good place now!
Vicki finally said "yes" to maid service. The Maids (tm) came in here the other day, and they literally kicked some major butt! You could eat off of the floor here!! I'm totally loving it. Hopefully we can keep it up, and keep the place looking ok. I will try and get some pics up here so you can see how nice it looks!
Dude, I just finished watching Spike TV's "The Ultimate Fighter", and there is this fighter who was born in Poland, and moved to Canada @ age ten named Krzysztof Soszynski. He is one scary MF'er!!! I would not want to meet him in alley, dark, or otherwise!! In all seriousness, the fight he was in today was over too quickly for me to judge if he is the real deal, or not. However, he seems like he can "impose his will" when he wants to in the Octagon!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Randy "The Natural" Couture against Brock Lesnar at the UFC event in Las Vegas this Saturday! Randy has managed to fight Father Time off, and be a true inspiration. He also seems like one of the most genuine, nicest guys in MMA. So, my hat is off to you, Captain America!!!
We will be at the in-laws this weekend. We will get to see my favorite Pennsylvanians, Kayly and Nate Newcomer!!!! (and Ethan, and Holden, and pets) Hopefully, there will be a little bit o'wine flowing.
A question for Vicki and Kayly to ponder: if you guys dig Keith Olbermann so much, why don't you dig Anderson Cooper? You would think he would be up your alley!!
Post Election Day & a childbirth orientation at the Maternity Ward
However, upon thinking about it now, the immenseness of it all just blows me away! The states Barack took that Bush had in '04.... I can't name 'em all, but there must have been 9 of them. To see him take Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, FLORIDA, North Carolina (not officially called, but looks that way) , Nevada, New Mexico.. truly an amazing night
There is no way that I can write as eloquently as Vicki, and my good friend, and Vicki's BFF, Kayly did in their most recent posts. However, I too got teary at the fact that sometimes America, and Americans can fulfill their potential. This is something I think we did in choosing the 44th President of the United States. This time, we got it right.
My 81 year old father called up crying last night as well. He was blown away by Obama's victory, and this repudiation of the Republican Party.
53% or so of American voters actually thought that the past 8 Bush years were horrendous, that 2 wars were stretching us thin domestically and internationally; causing thousands of tragically needless deaths, and injuries. That this economic down turn we are in, was the result of a hyoooooooooge increase in the size of Government. Which is not what Repubicans are supposed to be about.
How anyone could still like Bush (most disliked modern day President), let alone vote for McCain and his phony war hero, "Maverick" b.s..... I don't know. Politics are a weird thing to discuss with those on the other side of the aisle..... It's difficult. I, for one, take it personally. I'm not gloating now with Barack Obama's win, but John Kerry's loss hit me terribly in 2004.
For the record, I do not buy McCain as a war hero, or a Maverick, or anything other than a spoiled rich guy (read the recent Rolling Stone article, as Kayly has suggested). However, kudos to him, for at least conceding with a certain amount of class that his campaign did not show during the heat of things. I will give him that .
Some folks, who I like, who are on the right are saying that "they are not working today, cause Obama is gonna pay their mortgage, put gas in their car, and give them free health care". It's sad that they can not find the appropriate words for how special this Election was. However, I won't diss them that much, because they are nice people.... we just fundamentally disagree.
From Joe Louis being heard on all the radios in Jewish and Black neighborhoods during the Great Depression, to Jim Crow to the murder of Emmett Till, to the successes of the Civil Rights Movement to the assassination of MLK, to the Watts and Newark riots... to last night
We accomplished something last night, us meaning us America. Seeing Condeleeza Rice get emotional was amazing.
In thinking about the future, Vick and I did a run through at St. Barnabas Hospital today. We checked out the Maternity Ward, and actually had a childbirth orientation. We got to look in, and see a very red faced, very cute newborn kicking his cute feets. I can't wait for Tobin Sincoff to enter this world.
His mother and I look forward to welcoming him to an America that today, is a little more hopeful, and offers unlimited promise to all who try hard.
My Obama Family Dream
They truly seem like the greatest family! It looks like Michelle and Barack are ultra in love, and are great parents to Malia and Sasha. Vicki and I can end up being true pals with the Obama's, we're talking being invited over to the White House and stuff!! ("Ethan, call me Barack. None of this Mr. President stuff.")I see our friendship forming and bonding in the following ways:
1) First, we all gots to get out and Vote on Election Day on Tuesday!! Let's hope everything goes our way!!
2) All things pointing the way the do now, Barack Obama gets elected President of the United States!! Of course, the lovely Michelle Obama, will become our First Lady. Barack will get sworn in on January 20th, 2009!!!
3) Vicki and I will write them a sassy, cute "welcome to the White House/Congratulations" card. In which, we are witty, and charming. We describe our support for the Campaign, and how much Barack's candidacy has meant to us. We also tell the Obama's the following: The next time you come to New Jersey, why don't you come over to our house for dinner!!
4) We conclude the letter by including a picture of Vicki and I, as well as pictures of Fred and Lulu! The pictures of the 2 most loveable Shih Tzu's around will certainly seal this in our favor once Malia and Sasha sees their pictures, how could they resist?
I see the friendship starting out slowly at first. Then, perhaps after a few swings thru NJ, Barack and I will talk sports, and stuff, and I'll make him laugh. From that laugh, and Vicki bonding w/ Michelle and the kids(I think Michelle will love Vicki's sass!), we will get invited to the White House!!
Then, weekends at Camp David!! I tell you, friendships will be formed!!!
Mr. T is Arriving Soon!
It took me a moment to process this information. While, I knew T was coming, there was just a vague date of December 12Th. However, now, with a true delivery date set in stone!! I was blown away! I can't wait for him to come into this world. I will be the best Dad I can be! I promise. It was just surreal to finally get a date, set in stone. I know, that by the time December 4Th, 2008 passes into December 5Th, 2008; Vicki and I will be parents..
It truly is an amazing, amazing fact. I'm ready for the challenge! I am ready to support my beautiful wife to make sure she doesn't go totally insane w/ the demands of motherhood!! I promise :) You may have to excuse me if I seem like my head is in the clouds...... because, since Tuesday afternoon, it truly has been!!! I can not wait for this sweet little boy to arrive!!!
To talk about politics for a moment, I wonder if you guys watched the Obama infomercial? Vicki and I watched. I must say, I found it incredibly moving. The unique stories that were depicted of everyday working Americans really connected. I felt Barack Obama really explained his platform, and his reasons for being President of the United States over Senator John McCain.
I have to be honest, and let you know that the stories brought me to tears. The various stories of Americans, like the elderly retired African American couple in Ohio, where the husband had to go back to work at 75 yrs old (after working 30+ years on the railroad) at Walmart to pay for his wife's arthritis medicine, to the unemployed former Ford plant guy reading to his daughter in Kentucky, to the teacher in New Mexico. It showed ordinary Americans, struggling to keep their heads above water.
My 80 year old father from Florida called me after the program was over, confessing he was teary eyed too. "I think he (Obama) is going to be a wonderful President" he said.... "What an amazing piece of film".... I agree on both counts. Sure, the film was propaganda, but it rang true, and the production values were amazing.
I swear, I am sooooooo ready for November 4th!! I find myself constantly going to Huffingtonpost.com, and fivethirtyeight.com to make sure the polls are still going on Obama's favor..... my head will pop off my head and float away real soon w/ the stress. The day after election day can not come soon enough!!
Aside from campaign burnout, and the arrival of Mr. T soon, the other reason I can not wait to get past Election Day is that finally, after 17 years of waiting, Guns n'Roses "Chinese Democracy" will FINALLY be released!!!!! I wonder why NOW, why 2008 is the year that Axl Rose finally decided to put this opus out!! I must say that I've always had faith that it would one day see the light of day. Vick and I have been to a few of the later day (Buckethead version,and Bumblehead version) versions of the Gunners concerts. Axl still puts on an amazing show.
Mega props to the J.D. Salinger of Rock n'roll for putting this album out. I always knew you could do it, Axl!!!! Thank you :)
I love the Sunday New York Times!
We have had a pretty groovy weekend. I've managed to chill out, relax, and get some quality nap time in today. I watched UFC 90 Silva vs. Cote last night. There were some decent fights (Thiago Alves vs. Josh Koscheck/Sean Sherk vs. Tyson Griffin) so it was totally worth watching!! However, Anderson Silva, who is one of my favorite fighters, a guy who looks like he is totally dominating his opponents; phoned it in last night against Patrick Cote. Silva ended up winning in Round 3 (first time he has had to go to the 3rd round in the UFC) when Cote tore his Meniscus. However, it was NOT a great performance by "The Spider".
Finally, I have rediscovered a newer version of a show that I was waaaaay into when I was a teen! Yes, I have found "Degrassi-The Next Generation". Yes, I have to admit, it is a guilty pleasure. If you need to kill a half hour, and you want to see the issues that today's (Canadian) teens are dealing with, I totally recommend it. Also, fans of the Original "Degrassi Junior High" will be happy to hear that the character "Spike", yes the chick w/ the Mohawk, is back, is an adult, and HER kid goes to Degrassi now!!!
Yeah, I know I'm gonna be a dad in like, 6 weeks!! I have to chill out sometimes!!
"The World Serious..."
Interestingly, the Tampa Bay Rays, have a Japanese infielder named Akinori Iwamura. I've always been fascinated by the idea of the foreign player playing baseball in America. I know the Japanese have a long history of baseball in their own country, but to play here? In a strange land? How does the players (there are several of 'em in the majors now) live? Do they constantly travel with interpreters? I guess the team has to pay them too, right? Do they try to learn English at all? In a parallel sense, former NY Mets Manager Bobby Valentine now coaches in Japan, has learned Japanese, and loves living there!
Sadly, in MMA news, we saw Elite XC go out of business this week. They had very few good fights, and they promoted that Kimbo Slice farce guy which pissed a MMA purist like me off to no end. Apparently they ran up a $55 million dollar deficit in under 2 years! Crazy, huh?.
Looking forward to seeing Anderson Silva fighting on the UFC card this weekend! One thing about "The Spider", he does not play around. He goes for the kill, either to submit, or knock you out. I've never seen an mma fighter so awesome!
The election news keeps on getting better and better. Huffington Post is saying how the NY Times Sunday Magazine will have a big article about the disintegration of the McCain Campaign, and the "Schizophrenic" Leadership of Steve Schmidt! I LOVE IT!!!! I truly will be working for the Weekend now!!! LOL
Bernard "The Executioner" Hopkins keeps on beating Father Time!
Of course, the big news in politics today is that Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President on "Meet the Press" this morning. First, let me start off by saying that I do have some misgivings about Mr. Powell. After all, it was his speech in front of the UN, that made the US case for war in Iraq. We now know that the info he shared was not correct. Whether he literally knew it was incorrect, or if he thought the information was truthful, I do not know. However, it is a blight on his otherwise honorable list of achievements.
I must say that I found his endorsement of Obama incredibly nuanced, and heartfelt. Powell covered all of the bases. You could tell that he truly had agonized over the endorsement. From the ridiculous choice of Sarah Palin as VP, to the whole "Obama is a Muslim" myth, to the robocalls that the McCain campaign is doing (employing the same firm that smeared McCain w/ the black baby out of wedlock myth in 2000!); Powell hit all the bases.
I wish that more of our local, state and national leaders could speak as plainly, and as directly as Mr. Powell did today. He transcended race, political party, and personal agenda today. He deserves kudos!
It is AMAZING, I just found out that the McCain Campaign countered the Powell endorsement of Obama by announcing that Katie Barberia, a TELEVNOVELA actress in Florida had endorsed McCain!!! LOLOL!!!!
A final shout out to Chris Leben for a great fight on the Spike TV UFC card against Michael Bisbing. While Chris came up a little short, he showed tremendous heart, and determination. I hope that not only will he finish up all of the tattoo's that are on his chest, but that he will continue to find success in sobriety!!!
How gorgeous is this wife of mine?? :)
I was trying to be objective, but perhaps a little too objective. The pundits talked about his facial expressions during this last debate, and how he came off as old and desperate. I was kind of embarassed that I did not notice this stuff. Hey, anything that strengthens Barack's case is cool with me!
I thought Barack came off as very Presidential, and very polished. I felt that he confronted McCain about the crowds at his rallies, and the Ayers issue as well. McCain had nothing for him except terse old man type stuff! Fingers crossed til Election Day!
Vicki and I are always worrying about TV shows we like jumping the shark. In fact I may be almost too nutty about this. I was worry as we were watching "The Office", and Jane Levenson was talking about her babies' birth. And, that it was a water birth, she gets asked about if "everything comes out" and she said "Oh yes, even the afterbirth". Creed Bratton, goes, "That musta looked like the Landing at Omaha Beach"
Laugh out Loud Funny!! Hysterical.
"Life on Mars" is still ok. The 2nd episode holds up. Harvey Keitel may just rock in his role.
Shout out to Chris Leben! Hope he wins this weekend during the UFC PPV!!
Starfuckers Incorporated
Former short list VP candidate, Florida Governor (and extremely tan man of Greek Extraction) Charlie Christ chose to go to Disneyworld today, rather than campaign for John McCain :) He said "If I get a chance to campaign later, I'll get to it". :) Can you hear an overweight lady singing somewhere, maybe? Not saying anything til the Republican concession speech on Election night.
However, Mr. Starfucker himself, Steve Schmidt, says that the McCain Campaign is about to pull off a "Rope a Dope"of Ali like proportions. We shall see, Stevie, we shall see. Y'know folks, I have to point out that it is VERY funny that Steve-O is so powerful politically, but he has no hair on his head! Can't Carl Rove do anything about that? Look at those shades perched precariously on his bald dome. Gotta love it!
Had a very mellow weekend. Enjoyed spending time w/ Vicki, and hearing Tobin trying to kick big time. I'm on a big British Mystery kick, and I'm really enjoying the latest John Harvey novel. It's gritty, and set in Industrial Nottingham! Gotta love that. "The Life and Times of Tim" is just laugh out loud funny! I mean, really, really funny.
"True Blood" keeps on getting better and better. It may be one of the most enjoyable hours on TV, period. It's up there with "Mad Men". I'm not sure what the whole Don Draper in Palm Springs thing was. However, it was awesome to see him potentially explore who he truly is.
Hows about Richard Lewis on "Countdown"?? Tell it like it is, Richard!!
What the hell happened to the weekend!??!
Not too much going on this weekend. I got to catch up on some reading, including some parenting stuff. Quicker than I can say "Bambino", the little one will be here. So, I guess I have to enjoy my weekend sleep-ins while I can!!! In all seriousness, I can't wait for the little one to get here. He was totally pushing on Vicki's tummy today. It was if he was saying "Get me outta here, I'm ready for the world".
Take your time kiddo, don't rush things!! The world will be here waiting for you. As will your parents!!
Life on Mars
I just love him blubbering (he IS very pasty, isn't he??) about how "I am no Anti-Semite!Benjamin Netanyahu blurbed my book!!" It was awesome to see Gibbs really stick it to him! He made me proud!!
Now, on a purely pop culture note, I LOVED "Life on Mars" !!! Any Show that features a Bowie tune as its theme song is rocking in my book. Time will tell if the writers for the show are able to keep the concept going of a police detective from 2008 sent back in time to 1973 by getting hit on the head in an accident. The character of Detective Sam Tyler has no choice but to solve crimes in 1973, in a Police Department (and City of New York) that are VASTLY different than the world he is used to in 2008. In all seriousness, I have not loved a show as much since "Homicide: Life on the Street"
Which, by the way, is the only show I know of that began the pilot episode, and ended the last show of the series with the same line:
"That's the thing about this job, it ain't got nothin' to do with life".
Just brilliant.
"Life on Mars" is worth watching for Michael Imperioli's muttonchops alone!!
Does Joe Lieberman Sleep at Night?
Yom Kippur, 5769New York City
Rabbi Daniel CohenCongregation Agudath SholomStamford, Connecticut
Rabbi Barry FreundelKesher Israel CongregationWashington, D.C.
Dear Rabbis Cohen and Freundel,
Please forgive the presumption -- not only don't we know one another, I'm the kind of "cultural Jew" who makes even Reform Rabbis weep.
But as far as I can tell, now that Joe Lieberman and his family have moved from New Haven to Stamford, you, Rabbi Cohen, are his primary Rabbi in Connecticut. And you, Rabbi Freundel, lead the congregation where Sen. Lieberman worships in Washington.
Sen. McCain loves Joe Lieberman -- he wanted him as his running mate, if press reports are accurate.
Sen. McCain listens to Joe Lieberman.
Sen. Lieberman is, if you will, John McCain's rabbi.
So I thought I would write to you and ask you, as Sen. Lieberman's rabbis, to talk to Sen. Lieberman about the hatred that the McCain-Palin campaign is encouraging --- and the special understanding we Jews have of how that hatred plays out.
Why this public forum? Because I feel this is an urgent moment for American Jews. And because, in this moment, the men who can perhaps do the most to help us all -- Jews, Gentiles and Muslims alike -- should be identified and challenged to step up and do the right thing.
And make no mistake: Your voices do matter. If Joe Lieberman is the devout Jew he professes to be, you two are the most influential voices he can hear. He'd never listen to me. But to you -- how can he turn away?
I often think about Kristallnacht, that terrible night in Germany when it became unmistakably clear what the Nazis intended for the Jews. Almost a hundred Jews murdered, tens of thousands deported, windows smashed, businesses seized -- and hundreds of synagogues burned. Quite the "November surprise," if you will. But even after this horrific orgy of violence in 1938, there were many German Jews who didn't get it, who thought they were safe, who thought this was where it ended.
Now we know better. We say "Never again." But look around you, gentlemen. History does repeat, and in this case, with spooky echoes of Germany's darkest decade. A bad economy. A search for someone who can be dehumanized and blamed. The cries for "justice". And then....?
How would we recognize Kristallnacht if it happened today?
My fear: It's on the horizon, and coming closer every day.
Today "The Other" is Barack Obama. At a McCain-Palin rally the other day, there was a cry from a yahoo in the crowd: "Off with his head!" John McCain and Sarah Palin have not condemned that man. Indeed, they promise to ratchet up their "questions" about Obama in the final weeks of the campaign. At this point, it seems, they'd find nothing upsetting if the audiences at their rallies showed up with torches and pitchforks.
Jews, above all others, should fear this kind of hate speech. It may start with the demonization of one black man. Then it will move on to greedy Wall Streeters and "Jewish bankers" and a "liberal media" owned and controlled by Jews. [It's already happening: The Anti-Defamation League reports "a dramatic upsurge in anti-Semitic statements" on financial message boards on the Web. ] And then -- it sounds crazy, but it sounded crazy to many Jews in Germany -- the mob will come for us. Because that's where this goes. It's where it always goes. No matter where it starts, it ends with the Jews -- we're the ultimate "Other."
On your synagogue's web site, Rabbi Cohen, I note that you have a large family. Six daughters? Mazel tov. We have only one, but she is as precious to us as your girls are to you and your wife, and the thought of having her wrenched from my hand at some 21st century equivalent of a railroad freight yard -- it wakes me in the night.
I know I am asking a hard thing of you -- to confront Joe Lieberman and ask him to talk to John McCain, and, if McCain won't stop this madness, to call upon Sen. Lieberman to condemn his friend.
But maybe if I make this request both public and personal -- maybe if I invoke the images of Germany, just seven decades ago -- and ask that you do what you can to keep our children from harm, you will see how crucial this moment is to each and every Jew. And how much power you have to help us, all of us, who dare to hope for better from this country but find ourselves, in the middle of the night, awake and terrified.
A healthy and productive New Year to you and yours.
Jesse Kornbluth
Remember, dear astute reader, that the politics of deception, and slight of hand take one's eye off of what truly are the issues and problems facing our nation
Quick Note in the Midst of Yom Kippur
Just a quick note here as I am still getting over the tummy bug as mentioned in my previous post. Not alot to talk about
I mean, I COULD go on for ages about the negative McCain ads, and the attack dog rhetoric of Sarah Palin. However, I can't deal w/ it right now. I"m spent. Steve Schmidt, and John McCain are prostitutes, and should be ashamed of Themselves.
It IS awesome that David Brooks of the Times called Palin a "Fatal Cancer to the Republican Party"... That' s hardcore stuff, "my friends"!!
The debate was underwhelming, but helped consolidate what a master politician Barack Obama is. He bobbed and moved, and was So presidential, so slick. To reference a 1990's boxing icon, he was a true Pernell "Sweet Pea" Whittaker! It was a great performance.
I believe that the McCain "That one" comment and gesture may be studied in years to come when students of debate learn what not to do when debating for the Presidency of the United States.. Much like Gore sighing while debating GW Bush, or Bush Senior looking at his watch while debating Clinton, etc.
On a pop culture note, Project Runway rocked tonight !!!!! Not to mention that I heard "Devil Inside" by INXS on the radio today! Talk about memories....
Tales from a Tummy Bug
How are we then?
Sorry about the long lay off, it was not intentional. I was literally FELLED w/ a stomach flu that kept me out of commission from Thursday at 5pm til, well just about yesterday afternoon!! I will spare everyone the gross details.. However we have all been there! A quick shout out to my DW's BFF Kayly for Sharing some of the love from the Harrisburg area when Vicki went to see the View with her!!!! LOLOL
Now, as for the big ol' Vice Presidential debate that happened. In between gripping my tummy in pain (and trying not to kvetch too much. After all, Vicki is carrying a CHILD for Christ's sake!! Don't tell her about nausea!jk), and grimacing; I tride to watch the debate as open minded as possible. After all, in the end, I'm a Democrat. I want a government that helps its' citizens, and I don't believe that the free market let's anything trickle down, EVER to the huddled masses below.
I thought Sarah Palin did well in a totally reading off of cue cards way w/ that winking at the camera and the "say it ain't so, Joe" faux working class rhetoric. I thought Joe Biden turned the engines on in the 2nd half of the debate, and closed strongly. As a result a thought it was a tie, much like the first Presidential debate..
How Happy was I to find out that The press lambasted her!! She got facts wrong, she gave the wrong name for the head general in Afghanistan!! I loved it!! How GREAT would it be for Obama/Biden to win Florida, and North Carolina?????
It seems like my old buddy, Steve Schmidt is getting a bit o'press today. Since it is referenced in the newspaper, I guess I can state it on here. There is a paragraph in the article which describes Steve at a Log Cabin Republican Event, telling them how much he loves his sister, and her partner, and that for the Log Cabing Republicans, that "their time will come".....
I don't get it. A) How can you be gay, and a Republican? It would be like me as a Jew joining the Nazi Party!! The Right Wing of this country has denounced the gay lifestyle! Is economics enough to turn your back on your gay brothers and sisters in getting the same rights as heterosexual couples? B) How can one (i.e. Steve) be a Republican operative if your Party has targeted a portion of the population that includes your SISTER!?!? Shame, Shame Steve... I can understand being conservative economically, but to cash a paycheck from the same people look down on your sister,... I would not do it. Is the money that important? To put the Republican Party above family?
Accourding to http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/ , things are NOT looking good for John McCain, btw...
Did everyone see HASSelback go crazy and Whoopi take her on during "The View" today????
I loves me some Rosh Hashanah
It is Tuesday, and I'm sitting at home chilling out! It is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Today is year 5768 of aggravation, neurosis, guilt and survival for the Jewish People! I may celebrate by getting lost in a desert, or baking some matzos on my back or something :) While Vicki and I are not a synagogue going couple yet in Morris County; we are totally culturally Jewish at least. Who know's what is ahead? I'm sure that with Mr. T coming into the world, we will find a synagogue for the family to join. Hopefully, he can find Hebrew School just as annnoying as I did! LOLOL
Speaking of our Mr. T., I do have some new ultrasound pictures for you, dear reader!! This is from Friday's week 29 ultrasound:
There is some debate in the Sincoff household as to just who he looks like :) I think he has Vicki's nose! Vicki says he has my chin!! I'd be interested to see what everyone else thinks!
What did everyone else think of the debate? While watching it objectively, I thought McCain did far better than I thought he would. However, when I woke up and read a variety of blogs, and stuff online, people were saying that Obama came off as more presidential, and that McCain came off as angry, twitchy, and just; old! hmmmm I guess it is that 1960 analogy of Nixon having the 5 o'clock shadow against Kennedy in their debate that put JFK over the top!
Who woulda thunk that, right??
What the Hell Ever Happened to Mickey Rourke!?!?
I know, I know his face looks fucked up big time. Like, how much plastic surgery can one guy from Miami take?? It seems like Mickey is on the verge of quite the career comeback! I am totally psyched for his new movie "The Wrestler". It was directed by Darren Aronofsky, the director of "Requiem for a Dream" C'mon, I know I'm not the only person who remembers that mind trip!
Apparently, The Mick plays an aging, 1980's star, now broken pro wrestler named Randy "The Ram" Robinson, who invites people into his trailer to watch his 1980's self on a video game, when he is not engaging in indy wrestling matches where he takes a staple gun to his forehead. There is serioius Oscar Buzz (for real). I'm hearing things like "touching performance" and "I cried" from the reviews I've heard from the Festival Circuit.
Good Luck, Mickey! Here's hoping you have a career rejuvination!! I still remember the great actor you can be if you center yourself.
While I'm posting, I gotta give a shout out to my main man Rollie Robeast His musings on the posturing of elected officials is not only written w/ great Jersey gusto, I think he is right on the money!! Way to go, Rollie!
Did anyone catch Letterman's performance vis a vis John McCain cancelling the show at the last minute?? Have you ever experienced (and it can be both good and bad) television, that was so electric (again, both either pleasant or unpleasant) that you: a) can't believe you were lucky to catch it b) you almost thought it was fake because it was so real? Simply put, this was one of those "electric" viewing events! Dave was so on! He literally threw a TON of barbs McCain's way. Awesome.
I would also be remiss to not mention that Sarah Palin kind of had that deer in headlights look while being interviewed by that (not) notoriously tough interviewer, Katie Couric. I think the Palin bump for John McCain may be quickly be a think of the past. I truly feel that even the most passionate Conservative, has to ante up, and say "C'mon now, this gal is not qualified". She really is a joke, right? Savvy, but a joke? Props to Chuck Hagel for saying it loud and proud!!
I have to end w/ some fluff! I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO psyched to see Mr Suede get voted off "Project Runway" last night. I HATED his talking about himself in the 3rd person! I know, I know, Kenley Collins is getting really big for her britches (she is always complaining about how they don't get her or that "this is REALLY hard"), but I hope she mellows out!!!
We are past the mid week hump!
This is all fine and good. Save for the fact that I am going to be talking to folks who could be higher up on the food chain, who don't really care. That's the thing with corporate America. Perhaps the recent problems in our economy truly point it out. High and Mid level folks, folks who can make decisions about things truly don't give a sh*t. I saw it during the internet boom, and I see it now.
And it's funny 'cos it's not like Karma ever works out to get 'em (Well maybe in the dude who led Qwest Communications' case it does; Joe Naccio). White collar crime, man. You wear a tie and have a degree, you can get away w/ lot's of mischief. 'Nuf Said
Of course I am not going to refer to my place of business in name. Those who know me, know where I work... I gots to be swift like that
I went for an appointment w/ my Nurse Practitioner who handles a portion of my therapy, and medication. She was impressed in the progress I am making emotionally. People who know me, who know me a long time, know that I've always battled depression, anxiety and stuff like that.
However with a combination of medication, good intensive therapy, a bit of exercise, some self examination and especially the love of a great wife and impending fatherhood.... I am starting to get a hold on emotions that have long had a hold on me.
It's very cool to wake up in a day to know that I'm finally in control of how I feel; and I can talk myself down from high anxiety moments. I truly can not wait to start being a dad!!!:)
Boy, It's Monday, and my arms are tired!
It was great to have Ben over this weekend. He is probably one of my oldest friends. We go back to 1990/1991 era when I was at Temple University in Philadelphia. He lived in Thailand for years, and now he's back in the NY area teaching English. I wish we hadn't have drank 2 bottles of wine w/ dinner, but what can you do!?!?
Sunday, Vicki and I went to a friends' engagement picnic/party. It was nice. However, it is now Monday evening, and I need a nap!!!
Post Squeeze Musings
I also gotta say that James opened up, and they rocked. It was great to see 'em back together!
The drive home kind of sucked, as they were doing massive construction on the NJ Turnpike, yet that did not deter us! We got home, and in one piece.
Kudos to Kayly for finding this cartoon for me. I was ROTFLMAO!!!
Tonight, my old buddy Ben is coming over from the city!! It'll be great to see him.
Friday Afternoon
I am sad to see that the country is going thru such economic doldrums, but at least it is making people see how shallow the McCain/Palin ticket are. Aside from the bible thumpers, maybe Obama/Biden can get some of that working/lower middle class vote away from these 2. It seems like they will do anything to win!!
Can you believe John McCain and the thing w/ Spain??? I mean, how do you confuse Europe with Central and South America? I know they speak Spanish in both Spain, and those other regions, however Spain is NEXT TO FRANCE, dopey :)
Don't get me started on Palin and Hannity either. What a slow pitch softball interview!! They remind me of another Anti-Russian American duo
My gorgeous wife is taking me to see one of my favorite bands of all time tonight, Squeeze! What a great birthday present!!! :) They are playing Radio City Music Hall, that is always a great venue!!
I tried to keep quiet but
Former Canuck goes baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!
I gotta mention this; I actually grew up with this dude Steve Schmidt who is the "Svengali" behind the McCain campaign. Apparently (and he did the same for Cheney during the 2004 campaign) he has learned the everything that Karl Rove has in his bag of tricks.
Let me just say that I NEVER EVER thought that the kid I grew up with since the first grade would end up being involved in the downfall of America, and Democracy as we know it. It's funny, that the right wing young puppet drones that work for him call him "Patton". I assume that this is after General George Patton; famous WW II General, and like Steve, a notorious blowhard.
However, Steve never charged up a hill, threw himself on a grenade, did anything really memorable, or honorable, actually. All he does is issue lame-ass press releases, type on his Blackberry, and pontificate.
Just to be wacky, I called him last year while he was working with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in California.
We really had nothing to say to each other. However, I just wanted to bust his balls a bit.
"Oh No" he said. "I'm not getting involved in the 2008 campaign. While I have had offers from all of the major Republican candidates (What, no Ron Paul??). I have turned them all down.
I need to spend time with my family."
I just feel sad that the kid I used to run around with, who barely (debate is open on if he did. Some say he walked, but did not get a diploma) graduated from The University of Delaware. THIS is the brain trust, THIS is the guy who comes up with all of McCain's hate speech? THIS is the guy who Mitt Romney sent an antique chair to saying "I hope you use this chair to sit at the head of my table in my campaign" This dude, is the one who has tainted McCain's campaign with the race card?
THIS is the guy who helped Cheney with his Iraq policy?
Talk about being underwhelmed! What would Tyler the Dog say, Steve?? I feel like I grew up with Satan..
Mind you, I don't mean any of this in a bad way. I just find his operatic sense of pompousness to be a real downer. Let's hope America wakes up soon, and can send back to California to spend some REAL time w/ his family.
Obligatory Birthday Post
Vicki is taking me out to dinner tomorrow night. We are checking out a Greek/Mediterranean place. She also got us tickets to see Squeeze and James @ Radio City Music Hall next week! She is the most thoughtful, awesomest wife, eeeeeeeeeeever!!
Went to watch the UFC PPV "Breakthrough w/ Andy at Q Time in Parsippany. We shot some pool, and I actually did decently. I need to practice a bit more. However, it was kind of funny, and sad at the same time to see Chuck Liddell get KTFO'D by Rashad Evans. It was a brutal, brutal KO. Just viscious.
What the hell is up w/ this election? I don't want to be all political and stuff. However, Obama vs. McCain should be a no brainer. I just don't get people. Period.
Screw Sarah Pallin, btw.
Post Wedding, and Post Dad visit
To quote David Letterman: "We look like a bunch of people who are gonna take Mussolini out!"
Seriously, doesn't Vicki look awesome, beautiful and vibrant :)
Her husband looks kinda hot too!
Dad looking sharp!
Putting on the tux
Dad flew in on Thursday from Florida. It's been fairly uneventful, and a rather pleasant visit. No arguments. He could have complimented me a bit on the bike riding .... but hey, that's just me talking here. It's been great to see him. I've taken a few days off work, so I had Thursday and Friday off, and we have the Labor Day weekend now. So, all is groovy.
It will be great to see Brooklyn's own Uncle Joe and Aunt Eileen; as well as all of the cousins representing. :-) I have to get some batteries for the old digital camera. I'll post some tuxedo pictures on here later!
ps: Sarah Pallin sucks, as does John Sydney McCain ...
Home Run
Finally, Senator Obama's speech tonight was--in a word--amazing. My dad has just flown in from Florida for Cousin Robert's wedding on Sunday. He, Vicki and I sat there, watching this amazing speech, delivered by this amazing politician; and we all had tears in our eyes. Barack delivered the goods: why his presidency will be different and BETTER than 4 more years of George W. Bush, why the Democrats have the answer to Iraq and Afghanistan. How they can deliver jobs, and economic stability not to big Fortune 500 companies, and Wall Street executives, but to ordinary people, who are out there, in the trenches, fighting.
He perfectly laid out why John McCain is wrong and misguided, and what he will accomplish during his presidency, if elected. The pollsters say that the race is dead even between John McCain and Barack Obama. I can't see how, and it unnerves me. It probably is one of the reasons why I like red wine and anxiety medication!!
How the Republicans, who have traditionally been the party of Millionaires, caviar and Golf tee times have managed to co-opt the working people of America, the people who lose out due to bad health care, higher taxes, no jobs, multiple tours in Iraq etc... how the working class voted 2x for George W. Bush, and now maybe John Sidney McCain....I don't get it...
However, I must say in closing, I feel a little better about America tonight. A little bit more positive for our future. Hey, we are gonna do all that we can as far as campaigning, mobilizing, ... that's all Vicki and I can do.... :)
2 years plus later, not too much new, right :)?
Let's see, what's been going on since we last were on here... Well for first off, Vicki and i are expecting! We are going to be joined by a very healthy baby boy in December, if not sooner. It's funny how life works out. We were in the middle of adopting a baby from Kyrgyzstan, with the idea that we were never going to have a healthy kid biologically. However, the big guy/gal/thing upstairs had other plans for us. We are quite elated on the news. I am talking to Vicki's belly, and loving every kick that i feel.
Also, I have changed jobs. I'm now at a Pharmaceutical company called something that I will not reveal because people get updates whenever it is mentioned on the internet. However, it is gnirreF backwards :) It's right around the corner from the old job, so the commute is the same. Can't believe we've been living in Madison for 2 years now... crazy crazy crazy. The job is ok, I'm going to be there a year come September.
I'm loving the MMA on TV, btw. It's so awesome to dig a sport, before all the other folks dig it!! We took my father to see UFC in Vegas in December. To say that It rocked is beyond words!!! I will write more at some point about the Mandalay Bay Events Center, Quebecois from Montreal, Georges St. Piere, and my dad.. however you gots to wait for that. It's good to be back!