I blog here. You can look forward to Jokes, Sarcasm, Liberal Politics, Music, thoughts on MMA, and Boxing (not always in this order)
I would be lame if I did not put down my .02 regarding the new Guns N'Roses album, "Chinese Democracy". I've been a fan of G n'R since 11th Grade when JoAnn Kosiak came into home room to tell me that she had gone to see this punk metal band at the (now defunct) Ritz @ 4th and Broadway in NYC. JoAnn always rocked like that.
Well, I listened, and listened to "Appetite for Destruction". There was an urgency, and a sense of the unknown to the bluesy based metal that I heard for the first time on that disc. It still holds up today in 2008. I remember digging their acoustic "Lies" album.. then in 1992, towards the end of my time at Temple University, "User Your Illusion Versions 1 and 2" finally were released simultaneously.
They were classics. You could tell that the band was attempting to stay based in glam punk metal, and broaden their musical palette. They pulled it off amazingly well.
Of course, years passed, and all the other members of the band left. W. Axl Rose was the only remaining member. "Chinese Democracy" has been promised in one way, or another since 1998 or so. People felt that it was never going to be released. Axl would be some sort of joke, who never left his mansion, and he would be the J.D. Salinger of Rock Music.
The album was being worked on , and then reworked. Buckethead joined, and left. Tommy Stinson from the Replacements, and Robin Finck from Nine Inch Nails joined.
Well, the album finally came out on November 23. I preordered it from Best Buy
Initially, you listed to it,and you say "wow, why did this take 15 years?". However, after you put those emotions aside, and actually listen to the tracks. From the opening title song, to songs like "Better", "Catcher in the Rye", "Sorry" and "IRS", the musicianship, the lyrics, and the vocals are unbeatable. This album rocks with an urgency, and a passion that I've not heard in quite some time. It truly is a work of art. Honestly.
As someone who has battled ups and downs, I can kind of relate, in a way what Axl has gone through on the rocky road to making this album. All I can say is that I knew this album would eventually come out. It is amazing, and I' m so psyched for him. Congrats, Axl! I hope the next album comes out sooner!
More pictures will follow very soon!! I have to go to bed now. On a different note, stay tuned for my Farewell notes on "The Shield"..... and speaking of "The Jungle"! I will be reviewing Guns n Roses "Chinese Democracy" very, very soon!!!
So many other fights, Randy has managed to turn back time, and look like a fighter decades younger than his real age. This fight was different. Brock was too big, and too fast. First off, it is a crime that a guy who is the size of a truck, like Brock Lesnar can cut from like 300lbs to make the Heavyweight limit of 265lbs. By fight time, he probably rehydrated to 285 or 300!!! Randy was 6'2" and 220, and solid, but it looked like he was fighting a cartoon character.
I always feel bad when I see a fighter that I really admire who hangs in there too long, and takes a ferocious beating. Dina said Randy got hit on the ground like 40 times too many. Too bad the referee did not jump in sooner to stop the fight.
It looks like Brock is gonna be a force to be reckoned with in the Heavyweight division. I still feel that the verdict is still out on him as a total fighter, however. Could he beat Nogueira? Can he beat Mir in a rematch? We will see. Until that point, congrats to you, Champ. The "Next Big Thing" has arrived!!
Even now, when there is a fight on TV, be it MMA or boxing, and there is a fighter who is past his prime who gets beat, our phone rings. It is always my dad, and he goes "Ethan they NEVER learn... You can't beat Father Time. They Never get it." It's sad. I can count on one hand the # of boxers who hung it up when they were on top. MMA is still a newish sport, so I can't speak for those fighters. Poor Randy, I hope you are ok, and keeping your chin up! Concentrate on training fighters, and doing your charitable work for returning Veterans w/ head injuries. You've done alot, there is no need to get into that Octagon again.
On a happier note, the Sincoff Nursery is starting to look awesome!! We managed to purge alot of stuff, to clean out the 2nd bedroom to make it nursery ready!! Also, Vicki put down a cool looking rug, and hung lot's of cool jungle themed stuff on the walls!! I especially like the giraffe picture that says "Tobin's Jungle"!! It's the best.
December 4th is coming before we know it!! Vicki and I went to a breastfeeding class at St. Barnabas hospital the other night!! Not that I plan on doing any breastfeeding. It was fascinating to see how to feed your child correctly!! I can't wait to participate and help Vicki out in any way I can!!!
They truly seem like the greatest family! It looks like Michelle and Barack are ultra in love, and are great parents to Malia and Sasha. Vicki and I can end up being true pals with the Obama's, we're talking being invited over to the White House and stuff!! ("Ethan, call me Barack. None of this Mr. President stuff.")I see our friendship forming and bonding in the following ways:
1) First, we all gots to get out and Vote on Election Day on Tuesday!! Let's hope everything goes our way!!
2) All things pointing the way the do now, Barack Obama gets elected President of the United States!! Of course, the lovely Michelle Obama, will become our First Lady. Barack will get sworn in on January 20th, 2009!!!
3) Vicki and I will write them a sassy, cute "welcome to the White House/Congratulations" card. In which, we are witty, and charming. We describe our support for the Campaign, and how much Barack's candidacy has meant to us. We also tell the Obama's the following: The next time you come to New Jersey, why don't you come over to our house for dinner!!
4) We conclude the letter by including a picture of Vicki and I, as well as pictures of Fred and Lulu! The pictures of the 2 most loveable Shih Tzu's around will certainly seal this in our favor once Malia and Sasha sees their pictures, how could they resist?
I see the friendship starting out slowly at first. Then, perhaps after a few swings thru NJ, Barack and I will talk sports, and stuff, and I'll make him laugh. From that laugh, and Vicki bonding w/ Michelle and the kids(I think Michelle will love Vicki's sass!), we will get invited to the White House!!
Then, weekends at Camp David!! I tell you, friendships will be formed!!!
We have had a pretty groovy weekend. I've managed to chill out, relax, and get some quality nap time in today. I watched UFC 90 Silva vs. Cote last night. There were some decent fights (Thiago Alves vs. Josh Koscheck/Sean Sherk vs. Tyson Griffin) so it was totally worth watching!! However, Anderson Silva, who is one of my favorite fighters, a guy who looks like he is totally dominating his opponents; phoned it in last night against Patrick Cote. Silva ended up winning in Round 3 (first time he has had to go to the 3rd round in the UFC) when Cote tore his Meniscus. However, it was NOT a great performance by "The Spider".
Finally, I have rediscovered a newer version of a show that I was waaaaay into when I was a teen! Yes, I have found "Degrassi-The Next Generation". Yes, I have to admit, it is a guilty pleasure. If you need to kill a half hour, and you want to see the issues that today's (Canadian) teens are dealing with, I totally recommend it. Also, fans of the Original "Degrassi Junior High" will be happy to hear that the character "Spike", yes the chick w/ the Mohawk, is back, is an adult, and HER kid goes to Degrassi now!!!
Yeah, I know I'm gonna be a dad in like, 6 weeks!! I have to chill out sometimes!!
I was trying to be objective, but perhaps a little too objective. The pundits talked about his facial expressions during this last debate, and how he came off as old and desperate. I was kind of embarassed that I did not notice this stuff. Hey, anything that strengthens Barack's case is cool with me!
I thought Barack came off as very Presidential, and very polished. I felt that he confronted McCain about the crowds at his rallies, and the Ayers issue as well. McCain had nothing for him except terse old man type stuff! Fingers crossed til Election Day!
Vicki and I are always worrying about TV shows we like jumping the shark. In fact I may be almost too nutty about this. I was worry as we were watching "The Office", and Jane Levenson was talking about her babies' birth. And, that it was a water birth, she gets asked about if "everything comes out" and she said "Oh yes, even the afterbirth". Creed Bratton, goes, "That musta looked like the Landing at Omaha Beach"
Laugh out Loud Funny!! Hysterical.
"Life on Mars" is still ok. The 2nd episode holds up. Harvey Keitel may just rock in his role.
Shout out to Chris Leben! Hope he wins this weekend during the UFC PPV!!
There is some debate in the Sincoff household as to just who he looks like :) I think he has Vicki's nose! Vicki says he has my chin!! I'd be interested to see what everyone else thinks!
What did everyone else think of the debate? While watching it objectively, I thought McCain did far better than I thought he would. However, when I woke up and read a variety of blogs, and stuff online, people were saying that Obama came off as more presidential, and that McCain came off as angry, twitchy, and just; old! hmmmm I guess it is that 1960 analogy of Nixon having the 5 o'clock shadow against Kennedy in their debate that put JFK over the top!
Who woulda thunk that, right??
Tonight, my old buddy Ben is coming over from the city!! It'll be great to see him.
My gorgeous wife is taking me to see one of my favorite bands of all time tonight, Squeeze! What a great birthday present!!! :) They are playing Radio City Music Hall, that is always a great venue!!
Let me just say that I NEVER EVER thought that the kid I grew up with since the first grade would end up being involved in the downfall of America, and Democracy as we know it. It's funny, that the right wing young puppet drones that work for him call him "Patton". I assume that this is after General George Patton; famous WW II General, and like Steve, a notorious blowhard.
However, Steve never charged up a hill, threw himself on a grenade, did anything really memorable, or honorable, actually. All he does is issue lame-ass press releases, type on his Blackberry, and pontificate.
Just to be wacky, I called him last year while he was working with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in California.
We really had nothing to say to each other. However, I just wanted to bust his balls a bit.
"Oh No" he said. "I'm not getting involved in the 2008 campaign. While I have had offers from all of the major Republican candidates (What, no Ron Paul??). I have turned them all down.
I need to spend time with my family."